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“Have you watched the TV play?

“Has he left us?” After a long silence, Feng finally says without move his eyes, just like speak to the air in front of him. (“他真的离开我们了么?”长长的沉默之后,风终于开口问道。他的目光没有挪动,仿佛在对着他面前的空气说话一般。)
“Have a seat, Marguerite. Over there by the table. “坐吧,玛格丽特,坐到那边桌子旁。”
“Have you eaten, Marla?” Lane inquired. “吃饭了吗,玛丽?”来恩问。
“Have you got your own broom?” the boy went on. “你有自己的飞天扫帚吗?”男孩继续说。
“Have you talked about it with him?”“Not yet. “这件事你跟他谈过了吗?”“还没有。”
“Have you watched the TV play? “你看过这部电视剧吗?”
“Having an investment bank is a huge advantage for a private bank as it means we will be able to capture more wallet share of the client. “对于一家私人银行来说,拥有投行业务是一个巨大的优势,因为它意味着我们将有能力吸引客户更多的资产。”
“Hawaii's 2006 Energy Legislation: Leaping Or Slouching Toward Sustainability in an Island State? 夏威夷2006年能源立法:对于岛屿可持续发展的进步还是倒退?
“He [man] viewed the crocodile as a thing sometimes to worship, but always to run away from” (Thomas De Quincey). “他〔人类〕把鳄鱼看成可以崇拜的东西,但又经常从鳄鱼那儿逃离”(托玛斯·德·昆西)。
“He always did himself well, Lucius. Peacocks…” Yaxley thrust his wand back under his cloak with a snort. “他总是把自己做(隐藏、隐蔽?)得这么好,路丘斯,孔雀…”亚克西雷哼了一声,便忽地撤回魔杖收到斗篷里面。
“He believed in the scouts, took me here and made me train with the first team when I was 16 years old. “他观察了我一段时间,然后把我带到这里让我和一线队的球员一起训练。

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