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Remembering terrible fights in the air.

Remembered the train would pull out at midnight. 记住火车午夜时出发。
Remembering Aunty Henny's own brusque attitude towards superfluous objects and papers, I did not doubt that he was right. 想起汉妮伯母自己对多余的物品和文书证件不屑的态度,我并不怀疑他说的都是真话。
Remembering me , Discover and see. 记起我,发现和了解。
Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. 19耶和华阿,求你记念我如茵??和苦胆的困苦窘迫。
Remembering names in your own language is hard enough. 在本族语中,记忆人名已经很困难了。
Remembering terrible fights in the air. 回忆起在空中恐怖的斗争。
Remembering that men are from Mars will help you remember and accept that men have different primary love needs. 了解伴侣的基本需要是增进关系的强力秘方,记得男人从火星来可帮助你接受,男人有不同的爱情基本需要。
Remembering that within every man is a knight in shining armor is a powerful metaphor to help you remember a man's primary needs. 牢记每个男人的内在都是一个身披闪亮盔甲的武士,有助于你记得男人的基本需求。
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. 在我所知道的各种方法中,提醒自己即将死去是避免掉入畏惧失去这个陷阱的最好办法。
Remembering the day that we'll live in infamy. 记住这一天,我们将生活在臭名中。
Remembering the past was his only pleasure. 回忆往事是他唯一的乐趣。

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