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How is it then, brethren?

How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane? 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢?
How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane? 一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎麽可能呢?
How is it possible that someone can be in the same room as another, and refuse to forgive them, despite the fact that they are approaching their God in an attitude of obvious repentance? 对于处于同样景况的人,怎么能够不顾他们寻求神时明显的悔改的态度,而拒绝饶恕他们呢?
How is it possible to see the same part of the brain with different techniques or the same part across time? 是否有可能通过不同时间及不同成像方式来观察同一扫描平面呢?
How is it that he has left him and still praises him?” 怎么样,他已离开他,还是称赞他?
How is it then, brethren? 26弟兄们,这却怎吗样呢。
How is it we so seldom experience this life-giving power of the true knowledge of God? 为什么我们对于真认识神而有的赐生命的能力缺少经历呢?
How is master scheduling and shop floor control accomplished? 主生产排程表和工厂楼层控制是怎麽完成的?
How is melt temperature controlled? 如何控制熔炼温度?
How is money held during the working day? Is Accounts Dept./Cashiers office always locked? 现金在工作日是如何存放的?会计部/出纳办公室通常是否上锁?
How is my business?It's none of your business!/It's rude of you to talk to me like this. 我的生意怎么样?这不关你的事。/你这样跟我说话太粗鲁了。

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