The official said Gazprom wanted Georgia to pay $230 per 1,000 cubic metres, up from $110 now.
该员说,「天然气产业公司」希望将供给乔治亚的价格由目前的每1000立方公尺110美元,提高到230美元。 |
The official said other such operations would soonbe conducted in an effort to clear the way for national elections to be held in January.
这位官员同时表示,其它类似的行动将很快进行,以便为一月份举行的全国选举扫清道路。 |
The official said, for instance, that it was legitimate for the US to subject foreign deals that involve subsidised loans by a foreign state to extra scrutiny.
例如,这位官员表示,美国对涉及外国政府补贴贷款的外国交易进行额外审核是合理的。 |
The official says interrogators are now focusing on whether Saddam has had any links to militant groups.
该官员还指出,目前调查人员目前正在极力调查是否萨达姆和其他一些好战恐怖组织有联系? |
The official source/binary tree from Montaro Technologies. All software publicly released lives here. Software includes: internet/network orientated, database driven, bench tests, system analysis, multimedia/graphics, accounting &finance, etc.
该项目包括多个软件,主要有:互联网/网络相关、数据库驱动相关、工作台测试相关、系统分析相关、多媒体/图形相关、会计与金融等。 |
The official statistics are mildly discouraging.
官方的统计数字却有点不让人乐观。 |
The official talk of “peaceful rising” and “building a harmonious society” in recent years reflects a softer approach in both international and domestic politics.
最近几年,官方说法中的和平崛起和构建和谐社会正反映了一种在国内国际政治中更柔和的身段和态度。 |
The official title of the person is Justiteombudsman, but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the J.O. or Ombudsman.
此人官衔为“司法特派员”,但瑞典人一般管他叫“J.O.”,即“司法特派员”。 |
The official transfer fee — and wages — are still to be confirmed.
到时转会费,薪水等一系列都会得到证实。 |
The official version of chastity saw the widow as a pillar of her family.
当道者倡导贞节,意在期许寡妇于夫亡之后,成为家庭的支柱,以抚孤成立而翁姑得其养。 |
The official wad removed from office for being involved in a political scandal .Had he know this could happen .He might have acted differently.
那位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻而被撤职,如果早知道会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以不同的方式行事。 |