Goods must not be of Israeli origin.
货物不得是以色列产地(阿拉伯国家信用证)。 |
Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 |
Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics.
在商品流转过程中,往往会处于某种停滞的状态,物流的专业术语就称之为储存。 |
Goods processed in the factory into non-taxable products.
二在厂内加工为非应税产品者。 |
Goods provided in the factory for consumption.
一在厂内供消费者。 |
Goods purchased or taxable services consumed in the production of work-in-progress or finished goo ds which suffer abnormal losses.
(六)非正常损失的在产品、产成品所耗用的购进货物或者应税劳务。 |
Goods receiving (GR) and Invoice receiving (IR) execution in SAP.
在SAP系统中的来料收货和发票验证的操作。 |
Goods returned to the factory for reprocessing or refining into taxable tobacco or alcohol products.
三滞销退厂整理或加工为应税菸酒者。 |
Goods sent on approval must be paid for at the time of ordering, but if goods are returned within7 days customers will get their money back in full.
商店送出供试用的货物在订购时必须付款,但顾客如在七天之内退货,就可将原款全部收回。 |
Goods strictly as per O number and enclosed specification.
货物应与O码及附件的规格表严格相符。 |
Goods strictly as per OV number and enclosed specification.
货物应与OV码及附件的规格表严格相符。 |