The relationship between the attitude angle and the diagonal attitude angle is presented,and a rigid body motion model is built which can reflect the flying characteristics of the finless aerial bomb in the air. |
中文意思: 该文以刚体一般运动理论为基础,引入了斜置坐标系和摆动轴坐标系,提出了航弹摆动角速度矢量轴高低角和方位角、斜置姿态角等概念,确定了姿态角与斜置姿态角之间的转换关系,建立了能够准确反映无安定器航弹空中运动特性的刚体运动模型。 |
The relation between herpolhode and polhode
论空间极迹与本体极迹的关系 |
The relations between the degree of eccentricity (δ_, δ_) of extruded tubing and the nonconcentricity (δ_0) of hallow ingot are discussed and an equation for calculating the deviation-rectifying rate as well as empirical data are given.
本文论述了挤压管材偏心程度(δ_、δ_)和所用空心锭的偏心程度(δ_0)之间的关系,提出了纠偏率计算式以及经验数据。 |
The relationship between damage variable D(K_ ) and number of fatigue cycles (N) can be used to detect fatigue damage and to divine fatigue life tbr metal materials.
利用损伤变量D(K_)和循环次数N的关系曲线,可以对材料进行疲劳损伤检测并对其疲劳寿命进行预测。 |
The relationship between dressed weight and fork length of yellowfin tuna was W=.890×0~(-)L~(.99)
体长与体重关系为W=.890×0-L.99。 |
The relationship between plebs and the lands they settled and working with in different nature, contrasting with that of the populus Romanus .
由于罗马平民的主体是外来的 ,因此平民与罗马人民同他们定居和劳动的土地的关系本质不同。 |
The relationship between the attitude angle and the diagonal attitude angle is presented,and a rigid body motion model is built which can reflect the flying characteristics of the finless aerial bomb in the air.
该文以刚体一般运动理论为基础,引入了斜置坐标系和摆动轴坐标系,提出了航弹摆动角速度矢量轴高低角和方位角、斜置姿态角等概念,确定了姿态角与斜置姿态角之间的转换关系,建立了能够准确反映无安定器航弹空中运动特性的刚体运动模型。 |
The relationship between uretic effection and pharmackineties of Matrine on rabbits and rats
苦参碱的利尿作用及与药代动力学之间的关系 |
The relationship between wasp quantities per ovisac and the percentage of health white wax insect eggs can be simulated with the index equation: Y=9 089 Exp (-0 87 x) .
每粒虫囊内跳小蜂幼虫数与白蜡虫健卵百分率呈负指数关系 ,拟合方程为 :Y =9 0 8 9Exp (- 0 87x)。 |
The relationship of lingua and uvula in OSAS
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者舌牙悬雍垂关系的变化 |
The relationships among the five genera could be simply described as ((Oryza + (Zea + Setaria)) + Triticum) + Phyllostachys.
这个属的亲缘关系可以简单地表示为:((Oryza+(Zea+Setaria))+Triticum)+Phyllostachys。 |
The relationships between -hydroxyvitamin D and other factors with bone mineral content in Gambian women aged -8 years
(OH)D等因素与~8岁冈比亚妇女骨矿含量的关系 |