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Let the pudding chill for an hour.

Let the playing card company sort this one out . You don't need any unnecessary stress. 让纸牌公司整理这一个。您不需要任何多余的重音。
Let the poor old bugger enjoy the rest of his life without having to contend with officious councildom. 让贫穷的老乞丐,不用去跟多管闲事的法规抗争,尽情地享用他剩余的人生时光吧!”
Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. 他不过是地上瓦片中的一块瓦片。
Let the product label, leads shows the index plate, the lampbox, becomes the construction the language mark. 让标牌,导示指示牌,灯箱,成为建筑的语言符号。
Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts. 诗119:78愿骄傲人蒙羞.因为他们无理地倾覆我.但我要思想你的训词。
Let the pudding chill for an hour. 把布丁冰镇一小时.
Let the pulsating hip-hop music excite your senses while you become a real hip hopper! 让脉动的街舞音乐刺激你的感官,并成为一名真正的街舞者!
Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. 就让那雨水来冲刷掉从远古以来所持续造成好几世代的怨恨、强烈的敌意。
Let the righteous strike me in kindness and reprove me; Let not my head refuse oil upon the head, For still my prayer is against their evil deeds. 5愿义人凭慈爱击打我,责备我;这算为我头上的膏油,愿我的头不躲闪,因我仍要祷告,抵制人的恶行。
Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite. --- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto. 让统治阶级在共产主义革命面前颤抖吧。无产者失去的只是锁链,赢得的将是整个世界。全世界工人们,联合起来。《共产党宣言》是一部如同散文诗一般的著作,辉煌的字句永垂青史。
Let the satisfaction of helping others serve as its own best reward. 把帮助他人而得到的欣慰作为其最好的回报。

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