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I\’m afraid I don't understand.

I\\\'\'\\\'\'ve heard the residents of the Infernos will summon a Diety of Fire to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. 我听说地狱的居民会召唤烈火守护神来纪念为他们带来圣杯的英雄。
I\\\'\'\\\'\'ve heard the residents of the Ramparts will construct a Spirit Guardian to honor any hero who brings them the Grail. 我听说壁垒的居民会建造精灵守卫来纪念为他们带来圣杯的英雄。
I\\\'d like to know if I could change my appointment with your chief engineer from nine o\\\'clock Tuesday morning to three o\\\'clock Wednesday afternoon. 我想知道是否能把我与轮机长会面时间从星期二早晨九点改成星期三下午三点。
I\\\'ve got to introduce myself first. My name is Wang Lin from the China Ocean Shipping Company. 我得先介绍一下我自己,我叫王林,在中国远洋运输公司工作。
I\ve known people to die from no love, but I\ve never known anyone to be loved to death. 我知道有人因为缺乏爱而死,可我从来没有听说过谁因被爱而死。
I\’m afraid I don't understand. 抱歉,我不明白你的意思。
I________skate last year but I can skate this year. 去年我不会滑冰,但今年我会了。
I`d like to give you an X-ray. 我想给你透视一下。
I`d rather play half-court , because you don`t have to run so much . 我宁愿打半场,打半场你不用跑太多距离。
I`ll be so embarrassed if he calls on me. 如果老师要我报告,我会很丢脸。
I`ll find out the main cause ASAP. 我会尽快查明主要的原因.

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