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This paper investigates the sub-classification of named entities from the point of view of information retrieval and information extraction.

This paper investigates the ancestress temple in Huizhou area, aiming at discussing their statue and function in women's lives as well as their cultural connotations. 摘要本文以徽州地区女祠堂为研究对象,力图探讨它在妇女生活中的地位与作用以及它所包含的文化内涵。
This paper investigates the cognitive nature and characters of metaphor from the derivation of catchwords in Chinese and the phenomenon of generalization. 它在汉语流行词语的词义衍生和词义泛化过程中发挥着积极作用。
This paper investigates the depth and the breaking of seed dormancy; the improvement of germination of this species by stratification is also discussed. 本文旨在探讨其种子休眠程度,并寻求有效解除休眠及促进发芽的方法。
This paper investigates the integrable inhomogeneous generalized Heisenberg ferromagnet model by using the prolongation structure theory. 摘要利用延拓结构研究了可积的非均匀推广的海森堡铁磁链方程。
This paper investigates the relationship between insider trading and abnormal stock returns and post-trading operating performance, and explores factors associated with the types of insider trading. 摘要本研究以民国82年1月1日至91年12月31日间,台湾上市公司的内部人交易资料为样本,探讨内部人交易与交易复股票异常报酬,交易后公司的经营绩效及影响内部人交易型态之因素。
This paper investigates the sub-classification of named entities from the point of view of information retrieval and information extraction. 提出了命名实体的多级分类并给出了每一级的详细分类。
This paper investigates the types of acrylic modified solvent (methyl and dimethyl benzene), the usage of acrylic acid, the usage of initiator, esterification time, and preliminarily tests the dehydration rate of modified demulsifier. 摘要对丙烯酸改性溶剂的种类(甲苯和二甲苯)、丙烯酸的用量、引发剂的用量以及酯化时间进行考察,并针对改性后的破乳剂的脱水速度和脱水率进行了初步的检测。
This paper is a case study of absolute adjectives, with a view of finding the limitations of the prescriptive approach, and suggests taking a dialectic stand in theoretical research and practical language teaching. 英语绝对形容词的比较等级分析,可以说明正确的语言观应该建立在客观、动态基础之上,应该按语言的本来面貌对语言进行客观描写。
This paper is a continuation of the papers on lithofacies palaeogeography of the Early, Middle and Late Cambrian and the Early and Middle Ordovician. 摘要本文是笔者等的中国早、中、晚寒武世和早、中奥陶世岩相古地理诸文的继续。
This paper is a discussion of issues in applying SLA findings to classroom instruction, especially the issue of teachability. 摘要本文探讨了二语习得研究成果在课堂教学中的应用问题,尤其是语言的可教性问题。
This paper is a discussion of the history and role of university and non-university higher education in Flnaders, Belgium, and at the same time examines a series of higher education decrees adjusted by Flanders government to increase the degree of autonom 摘要在解释说明比利时弗拉芒区大学和大专的发展历史和作用的同时,阐述了弗拉芒区政府近年来调整一系列高等教育的法令,扩大专科院校和大学的自治权和学术自由,并且创建一种新的组织-大学协会,以融通大学和大专院校间的合作与交流,缩小彼此间的差距。

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