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During that time, the stock price of the company has grown by more than one hundred percent.

During that time, Siddhatha went to Rajagaha, the capital of Magadha, which was the centre of culture with many orthodox and unorthodox monks. 那时候,悉达多走进灵鹫山,摩揭陀王国的首都,是很多正统和非正统僧侣的文化中心。
During that time, he became the best cruiserweight in history and fought every major heavyweight of his generation, failing to beat only Lennox Lewis. 在那期间,他成为历史上最优秀的次重量级拳手,并且与他同时代的每个主要重量级拳手对阵过,仅仅没有打败过伦诺克斯?刘易斯。
During that time, he took more than 24,000 digital photos from his one-of-a-kind vantage point in orbit. 其间,他借助自己独一无二的有利位置,拍摄了超过2.4万幅关于地球和太空景象的数码照片。
During that time, messages on the picket signs became more demanding. 在那个时候,抗议海报上的要求也越来越积极。
During that time, previous crews had used Russian apparel and floated through the Russian module. 在那期间,前宇航员曾经穿着俄罗斯的宇航服登陆俄罗斯的登月舱。
During that time, the stock price of the company has grown by more than one hundred percent. 在他的任期内,公司股票价格上升幅度超过百分之百。
During that time, we have increased our product range by more than half and developed our Express Delivery and Rapid Refund services, which have proved to be extremely popular. 这段时间中,我们已把公司产品的范围扩大了一半以上,并开通了快速退款等服务,大受客户欢迎。
During that year I was only able to take the train down to see her on holidays, but never for long. 在那一年,我只能在假期乘火车去她家看她,但是呆在一起的时间总是很短。
During the 10th five-year-planeperiod, uranium resourse had attracted high attention and concentration from related organazation of the CCPC and the central government because of the state's manifestation on the development goal for nuclear power, efforts 摘要“十五”期间,随着国家核电发展目标的明确,铀资源不断得到中央和国家有关部门的高度关注和重视,铀矿地质勘查工作得到进一步加强。
During the Lucky Beijingseries comprehensivetestcompetition,Beijing government's restriction on car driving mainly targets on testing the influence of exhaust emission in the air and the entire traffic situations under special restriction. 在“好运北京”综合测试赛期间,北京政府对汽车的管制重点是测试机动车尾气排放对空气质量的影响以及特殊管制下的整体交通状况。
During the Ninth Five-year Programperiod, Shanghai Light Industry adheres to its principle of Adaptation and Developmentand has achieved its goal of steady economic growth through its efforts to keep the balance among reform. development and stabilityin s “九五”期间,上海轻工坚持“调整与发展”并举的工作思路,认真处理“改革、发展、稳定”的关系,克服了种种困难,实现了经济稳步增长的目标。

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