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He was also, it seemed, swimming in self-pity.

He was also receiving diltiazem for cardiac arrhythmia. 他还接受了地尔硫卓治疗心律不齐。
He was also shown on horseback in sunglasses, gloves and a body-hugging white vest. 其中还有普京总统戴着墨镜、手套,穿着紧身白背心骑马的照片。
He was also the most lethal player in all the top European Divisions in the 2005-06 season, having netted 33 times. 亨特拉尔同样是05—06赛季欧洲区的最佳射手,他在荷兰联赛中33次洞穿了对方的球门。
He was also wearing a big smile. 他也展现出了笑容。
He was also wearing a military gas mask that had the filter canister removed and a rubber hose attached in its place. 他也戴了一个过滤器被移掉的军事防毒面具,面具上附有一个橡皮水管接口。
He was also, it seemed, swimming in self-pity. 他似乎也正沉溺于自怜之中。
He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation. 他老是神经过敏,自从心悸发生后更加厉害。
He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity. 他总是非常沉着;没有什么东西能打乱他的平静。
He was always a good and true friend to me. 他一直是我的一位忠实的好朋友。
He was always a naughty boy but he had to learn to come to heel before his teachers. 他总是调皮捣蛋,但是在老师面前却不得不守规矩。
He was always acting on his principles. 他总是按自己的原则办事。

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