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An automat is perfect for snapshots.

An author‘s characteristic way of writing ,determined by the choice of words, the arrangement of words in sentences, and the relationship of sentences to one and another. 风格:由词汇的选择,句子中词汇的安排,句子之间的关系形成的某一作家的特定的写作方式。
An auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio, and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent. 中国银行业监督管理委员会视汽车金融公司风险状况和风险管理能力,可提高单个公司资本充足率的最低标准。
An auto financing company shall not set up any branch or subsidiary. 汽车金融公司不得设立分支机构。
An auto financing company, in case of encountering payment difficulties or other emergencies, shall take remedial actions, and promptly report to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. 汽车金融公司出现支付困难等紧急情况时,应采取紧急自救措施,并立即向中国银行业监督管理委员会报告。
An auto y showed that Jimella Tu tall bled to death after sustaining an abdominal wound caused by a sharp object, believed to be sci ors, Hart has said. 哈特说,尸检显示,贾米拉·汤斯顿是在腹部受到持续的利器创伤后失血过多致死的,相信凶器是剪刀。
An automat is perfect for snapshots. 自动相机最适合拍快照。
An automated way to get shorter names is to use obfuscation tools. 自动获取短名字的办法就是使用混淆工具。
An automatic control system of ARM-based wire drawing machine is introduced. 摘要介绍了一种基于ARM的拉丝机自动控制系统。
An automatic rifle. 一支自动式来福枪
An automatic scanning near infrared diffusive optical imager for breast cancer detection was developed, which combined the international progress in tissue imaging with near infrared laser in recent years. 结合近年来国际上利用近红外激光对生物组织内部成像的一些进展,研制了一台自动扫描的近红外漫射光乳腺癌检测和成像系统。
An automatic segmentation algorithm by means of active contour model to fuse multi-information is proposed. 摘要提出了一种采用主动轮廓模型来融合多种图像信息的运动目标提取算法。

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