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Membrane treatment using ultrafiltration (UF) films with a molecular weight cut-off of 5000 Da could effectively remove colors from pulp mill and OCC mill effluents.

Membership on the 47-seat council is broken down among five of the world's regions -- Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin American and Caribbean, and the Western European and Other States. 联合国人权理事会的47个成员国来自世界五大地区,非洲、亚洲、东欧、拉丁美洲和加勒比海,以及西欧和其他国家。
Membership talks have begun with Croatia and Turkey; a start has been made on an energy policy; a budget deal, however unsatisfactory, was struck for 2007-13. 克罗地亚和土耳其加入欧盟的会谈业已展开;一项能源政策已经启动;不论2007-13年预算协议有多么不尽人意,它还是已经出炉。
Membrane application: innovative membrane bioreactor; membrane distillation and its application in industrial water treatment. 膜应用科学:新型膜-生物反应器;膜蒸馏及其在工业水处理中的应用。
Membrane structure is a brand new form of construction, because it used materials and by the power system unique characteristics ---- light, Gao Qiang, high-translucent, Zhang pulled by the power, big space, big span, construction installation fast, rich 膜结构是一种全新的建筑形式,由于其所用的材料及受力体系独特的特点----轻质、高强、高透光性、张拉受力、大空间、大跨度、施工安装快捷、丰富的造型能力、独特的艺术感染力,在出现后的短短的几十年中,即在全世界得到飞速发展;在体育场馆、商业设施、交通设施、公共设施、城市环境等许多领域中得到广泛的应用。
Membrane structure is a technical scientific and technological content of the construction of the new high technology, Blue Ridgewas founded, from the introduction of foreign advanced membrane structural design concepts, software design, installation Moca 膜结构技术是一种科技含量较高的建筑新技术,“蓝岭”成立之初,即从引进国外先进的膜结构设计理念,设计软件,膜材加工安装技术,吸收了国外具有数十年历史的专业公司的成熟工程管理模式,立志在中国打造膜结构精品工程,为此蓝岭公司与国外专业膜结构工程公司携手合作,致力于膜结构技术在中国的推广与应用,已完成五十多个项目,业绩遍布中国十几个城市。
Membrane treatment using ultrafiltration (UF) films with a molecular weight cut-off of 5000 Da could effectively remove colors from pulp mill and OCC mill effluents. 薄膜处理采用阻隔分子量5000之超过滤薄膜可由浆厂及工业纸厂废水中移除色质,滤液大体无色;部份色纸废水亦可以超过滤处理获得良好结果。
Membraseal-type tubes are usually pierced open with a “spike” cap of polythene or hard plastics. 破封型软管则经常配有聚乙稀或硬塑料制的“钉状”管盖以刺穿密封的管口。
Memes are thus true replicators, possessing all three properties—replication, variation, selection—needed to spawn a new Darwinian evolutionary process. 因此,迷因是真正的复制子,拥有酿成新的达尔文演化过程的三个性质:复制、变异、天择。
Memetics neatly resolves the mystery of the human brain's vastness. 人类的脑子非常大,教人百思不得其解,利用迷因学就迎刃而解了。
Memo #3 : In a one-page memo, summarize the basic guidelines for effective abstracts and introductions. 便笺之三:在一页的便笺中,摘写简洁有力的摘要和引言的基本指南。
Memo to Chinese food exporters: dont mess withAmericaspets. 提醒中国食品出口商:别惹美国宠物。

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