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The essential points of the temple [shown herein] comply with the Summation Series, which reaches the figure of 233 cubits in its total length, as measured from the pyramid, with TEN consecutive numbers of the series.

The essential idea was that an incomplete data set including missing values was partitioned into several fuzzy clusters by using local principle component with least variance, and through solving the general inverse matrix of the data to obtain the princi 其基本思想是,先利用具有最小方差的局部主成分,把包含有遗漏值的不完备数据集划分成多个模糊聚类,然后通过求解广义逆矩阵来获得各个子聚类的主成分,最终在局部主成分的基础上通过简单的线性方程模型去佑计聚类中的遗漏值。
The essential issue with developing microfluidics-based devices is the ability to maintain adequate access to the solutions needed in each element of the array, delivered both spatially (to each addressable location in the array) and temporally (at the ap 发展显微流系统的关键是能够维持点阵中每个元素所需的溶液的足够的量,并按时空要求准确地送到每个点。
The essential of air defense system can be reflected by this model, and the effect of reready ability is proved. 仿真结果表明所建模型客观地反映了防空系统对来袭目标攻击的实质,验证了再就绪能力对作战效能的影响。
The essential of contradiction conflict is the dominion power of occupied region. 这种矛盾冲突的实质是争夺沦陷区的统治权。
The essential of the image-thinking is manifested as its non-substantiality, makes the image-thinking of Zhouyi possess original creativity and exhibited with different quality from western substantial conceptual thinking. “象思维”的本质在于“非实体性”,而这种非实体性使《周易》的象思维具有“原发创生”性,并且表现出与西方实体性的概念思维本质不同。
The essential points of the temple [shown herein] comply with the Summation Series, which reaches the figure of 233 cubits in its total length, as measured from the pyramid, with TEN consecutive numbers of the series. 神庙的基本点[在这里表明的]照和级数做,总长度达233腕尺,如来自金字塔测量,具有级数的十相邻数。
The essential problem is expounded as the form-finding analysis of a slack cable-strut system of with comperents loose lengths and under geometrically unstable equilibrium state maintained by its deadweight with given loose lengths of components. 根据力密度法的思想,本文提出了一种松弛索杆体系几何非稳定平衡形态的通用找形方法。
The essential problem with the restoration of mining engineering disturbed soil is to reconstruct soil profile, form proper soil physical and chemical properties in a very short period of time, and improve soil environment quality. 矿山工程扰动土人工再造的实质问题是土壤剖面的重新构造,并在较短的时间内形成适宜的土壤理化性状,改善再造土壤的环境质量。
The essential thoughts of Xunzi is the identification of the individual with the universe, just as Zhongyong arid Mencius. 摘要荀子“明于天人之分”和“制天命而用之”的天人观思想,仍然是中国古代哲学天人合一主流中的组成部分。
The essentials of operational art-theaters of operations and regional commands-will still exist, of course. 当然,作战艺术的本质——掌握全局与局部指挥——将仍然存在。
The establish of Ecommerce trade platform include the model of the conjecture electronic commerce center, the information of business enterprise's products immediately announced based WEB page design, shopping car's design and the design of goods order re 电子商务贸易平台的建立包括虚拟电子商务中心模型、企业产品信息的即时发布、基于WEB页面的即时信息反馈浏览、购物车的设计、货物订单的确认设计、信息咨询服务平台的设计等。

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