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Ministers swear they'll keep faith with the King.

Ministers from different OPEC countries have been making different noises about whether a cut is desirable or likely, but all would be loth to see their revenues eroded by lower prices. OPEC组织内部不同国家的部长对减少石油产量是否赞成存在争议,但是所有人都憎恶看到因为低廉的价格而减少的收入。
Ministers have promised a national road-pricing system to help ease the problem, but it is a decade away at least. 大臣们承诺通过全国性的道路收费系统来缓解这一问题,不过这至少是十年以后的事了。
Ministers hoped that import controls might cure the economy's serious inflation. 部长们希望实行进口控制或可抑止经济上严重的通货膨胀.
Ministers insist they are addressing these concerns, saying every school should have boys-only bookshelves and earlier this year, the Government announced a drive to attract more men into primary teaching. 教育部长强调他们正在解决这些问题,并称每所学校应该有男孩专用书架,今年早些时候政府宣布一项举措以吸引更多的男性教师来小学任教。
Ministers sit on either side of trays of food on the fourth step, and the fifth row features guards flanked by an orange tree to the left and a cherry tree to the right. 大臣坐在第4层食品盘子的一边,第5层是守卫,左边是一棵橙树,右边是一棵樱桃树,从侧面包围着他们。
Ministers swear they'll keep faith with the King. 大臣们宣誓他们会对国王忠诚。
Ministers there are thought to be reluctant to ban smoking outright, especially with a general election looming, but new health proposals dealing with the subject are due before the end of the year. 人们都觉得大臣们对于直接彻底地禁烟还有些为难,尤其是在大选临近,可是与此有关的新的健康计划预计今年年底将会实施。
Ministry of Audit Spokesman Wang Yong-sing said that they were questioning the foundations on which the committee was established. 审计部发言人王永兴:我们质疑你成立这样的委员会来办,这样的活动你的依据是什麽,你根据什麽来成立。
Ministry of Commerce has examined and approved the supplementary regulations for Measures for The Administration on Foreign Investment in Commercial Fields, which is now announced and will take effect as form its release. 《外商投资商业领域管理办法》的补充规定经中华人民共和国商务部审议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。
Ministry of Information Industry and Standardization Administration of China draft out the national standard for controlling poisonous and harmful substances or elements. 信息产业部商国家标准化管理委员会起草电子信息产品有毒、有害物质或元素控制国家标准。
Ministry of Public Security data show that police handled 4.19 million criminal cases in the first 11 months of 2006, down 0.8 percent year on year. 据公安部的有关数据显示,公安部门2006年前11个月共破获刑事犯罪案件共419万起,比去年同期下降0.8%。

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