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Only three things are infinite: the sky in its stars, the sea in its drops of water, and the heart in its tears.

Only those who see with equal vision the Ultimate Truth in a brahmana endowed with Vedic knowledge and humility, in a caw, in an elephant, in a dog and in the lower animal eating members of humanity are learned in genuine wisdom. 一视同仁地看到无论是在被赋予了呋陀知识谦卑的婆罗门者身上,还是一头母牛身上,一头大象身上,一条狗身上以及更低级的食用动物的人们身上都具有根本真理,这样的人才学到了真正的智慧。
Only three Republicans voted against the resolution, while 42 Democrats broke party ranks and voted yes, for fear that Republicans could use the vote to label them in November's congressional elections as soft on terrorism and failing to support the troop 只有3名共和党人投票反对该决议,由于担心共和党会利用此次表决在11月的国会选举中给民主党贴上反恐不力和不支持军队的标签,42名民主党议员打破政党界限投了赞同票。
Only three cases of auricular calcification have been reported in patients with secondary hypoadrenalism. 但续发性的肾上腺低能症合并耳壳骨化者,文献只有三例报告。
Only three companies are left after the shakeout in the computer market. 计算机市场重新调整之后,只剩下了三家公司。
Only three percent simply turn a blind eye to such matters,added the study, based on a survey of 100 human resource executives. 这项对100名人力资源主管的调查表明,只有3%的人“对这种事情不管不问”。
Only three things are infinite: the sky in its stars, the sea in its drops of water, and the heart in its tears. 惟有三种东西没有边际:繁星点点的天空、水滴汇成的大海和泪水涟涟的心灵。
Only three-fifths of the work was done yesterday by them. 昨天他们只完成了五分之三的工作。
Only through constant industrial research can we find out the truth of matters behind the complex appearance and have the tire basis for innovation. 创新是港源不变的真理,思维的惯性只会导致决策的失误,不断地进行产业的研究才能在复杂的表现中找到事物的真相,创新才有真实的依据。
Only through control of roll moments could a pilot maintain a level trajectory or dip a wing into a smooth banking turn. 飞行员必须控制滚转力矩,才能维持水平飞行,或将一侧机翼向下压,做出平顺的倾斜转弯动作。
Only through developed industry — i.e., through the medium of private property — does the ontological essence of human passion come into being, in its totality as well as in its humanity; the science of man is therefore itself a product of man's own pract 只有通过发达的工业,也就是以私有财产为中介,人的激情的本体论才能在总体上、合乎人性地实现;因此,关于人的科学本身是人在实践上的自我实现的产物.
Only through open cooperation can we bring into full play the strength of this region. 只有开放的合作才能更好地发挥区域优势。

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