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The alpine steppe vegetation restoration process of fountainhead region of Yangtze River

Research and Development on the Dynamic System for Detecting the Force of Acupuncture Needle during the Acupuncture Process in the Clinical Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医针刺过程中针体受力的动态监测系统研制
Progress in Research of Porcine parvovirus 猪细小病毒研究进展
Sex-related differences in isozymic phenotypes in amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense 雌雄文昌鱼同工酶的表型差异
Function of the Mast Cells 肥大细胞的功能
Plant Diversity of Alpine Kobresia Meadow in the Northern Region of the Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原北部高海拔地区嵩草草甸植物多样性分析
The alpine steppe vegetation restoration process of fountainhead region of Yangtze River 青藏公路取土场高寒草原植被的恢复进程
Multidimensional liquid-phase separation system in proteome research 蛋白质组学研究中的多维液相分离系统
Evolutionary relationships among six Chinese grasshoppers of two genera of Catantopidae(Orthoptera: Acridoidea) inferred from mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences 用12S rRNA基因序列研究斑腿蝗科二属六种的进化关系
DNA Computing Based on Molecular Beacons 基于分子信标的DNA计算
Study on the influencing factors of light conversion efficiency in biological hydrogen production from solar energy 太阳能光合生物制氢光转化效率的影响因素研究
Recent Progress in Renaturation of Inclusion Bodies 包涵体复性研究进展(英文)

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