The controlling shareholderrefers to a shareholder whose capital contribution occupies 5% or more of the total capital of a limited liability company, or a shareholder whose stocks occupy more than 50% of the total equity stocks of a joint stock limited c
(二)控股股东,是指其出资额占有限责任公司资本总额百分之五十以上或者其持有的股份占股份有限公司股本总额百分之五十以上的股东;出资额或者持有股份的比例虽然不足百分之五十,但依其出资额或者持有的股份所享有的表决权已足以对股东会、股东大会的决议产生重大影响的股东。 |
The corrupt-freeimpression that the People's Action Party (PAP) government gives to the world stems from the fact that the state's leaders have used draconian laws to silence its critics.
人民行动党(PAP)政府给予国际无贪腐的印象,其实来自国家领导人以严厉的法律禁止人民发出批评的声音。 |
The dangerous activityeach side engaged in cancels each other out,he said.
每一方参与这种危险活动都应有罪,他说。 |
The devicesare hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.
该“装置“是玻璃或瓷器的半球形物体,尾端有内盛汞滴的容器。 |
The edit-merge-committeaches a lifestyle which is riskier.
修改-合并-提交提供了一种更危险一点的工作方式。 |
The eight honors, eight disgracesraised by President Hu Jintao is becoming the new moral yardstick to measure the work and conduct of Communist Party officials.
主席提出的八荣八耻正在成为衡量官员们工作和行为的新的道德标准。 |
The energieshad been distinct and abundant, and somehow I had been thrust into a rather blissful union of contact-the spoken words soothing me with answers-that today I can only recollect as feelings of wisdom and peace.
“能量”已经是明显和充裕的,而且不知何故我已经进入一个充满相当喜悦的联络的联盟之内而被延伸—口述的文字和答案一起抚慰我—那么今天我仅仅能想起智慧与安宁之感。 |
The fighting uphill% chance to miss applies now to all hills at least 150units high, not just to cliff ramps.
战斗上升%机会错过现在延伸到所有单位,与只排列相对。 |
The fluyou're experiencing may turn out to be early-pregnancy nausea.
你自以为是“感冒”的症状也许后来发现只是早孕反应。 |
The flyingFord Anglia car used by child wizard Harry Potter and his chums to escape numerous close scrapes has vanished from its slot in a West Country film studio.
哈利·波特和他的伙伴用来逃难的“飞天车”——一辆福特安格里亚车在英国西南部的一个摄影棚不翼而飞。 |
The foldermodel of branching usually requires you to have one extra level of hierarchy in your repository tree.
分支的“目录”模式通常需要你在你的库树中有一个额外的层级。 |