Sinicized Ecological View of Marxism is a significant part of Sinicized Marxism.
摘要马克思主义环境思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的组成部分和重要内容。 |
Sinis caught sight of Theseus and hailed him.
辛尼斯看到忒修思,就和他打招呼。 |
Sinisa Mihajlovic sat out the practice match after doing the rest of the session with his team-mates.
西尼撒·米哈伊洛维奇缺席了练习赛,但同队友们进行了其他训练。 |
Sinisa Mihajlovic, who received specialist treatment for backache, has also resumed training with the first team and is another player who will turn out for the Nerazzurri's second string.
由于背伤而接受了专门治疗的米哈伊洛维奇现在也跟随一线队恢复了训练,他很快将会出现在球队的替补阵容中。 |
Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here.
可恶的带鸡蛋气味的水蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的。 |
Sinking-stomach because I walk out of the classroom an hour later convinced that I was even more stuttering and bumbling than usual.
胃部虚脱是因为一个小时后我走出教室时,确信这堂课上得比平常甚至更结结巴巴和错误百出。 |
Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams speaks at a press conference in Dublin after the expulsion of the party's head of Administration, Denis Donaldson, Friday Dec. 16, 2005.
12月16日,在爱尔兰首都都柏林,新芬党(爱尔兰共和军的政治组织)领袖格里·亚当斯召开新闻发布会宣布,该党高级成员丹尼斯·唐纳森已被开除。 |
Sinn Fein expelled the 55-year-old Donaldson and ac-cused him of having been a British agent for the past two decades.
新芬党称,开除55岁的唐纳森,是因为他20多年来一直充当英国政府的间谍。 |
Sinner down, Kelly, no point of argue with him.
冷静些凯利,没有必要同他争论。 |
Sino-African relations have stood the tests of time and drastic international changes.
中非关系经受了时间与国际风云变化的考验。 |
Sino-American relations belong to the complicatedest bilateral relations.
(中美关系是最为复杂的一对双边关系。) |