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Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable.

Castor and Pollox who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini in the Trojan War. 狄俄斯库里:波吕丢刻斯和卡斯托耳的统称,在特洛伊战争中被宙斯变成双子星座。
Castrate——the surgical removal of the testicles on the male dog. 去势。为公犬摘除睾丸的外科手术。
Castro had surgery for gastrointestinal bleeding brought on by stress and he will rest for the next few weeks. 声明说,卡斯特罗由于压力导致胃肠出血,接受了手术,将需要休息几个星期。
Castro had tried to have Batista's government declared illegal, but when that failed, he turned to guerrilla warfare. 早先,卡斯楚曾想宣告巴蒂斯达政府为非法政府不成,才转用游击战解决。
Casts of E.foetida had a protein content of 7.9% dry matter,which is similar to that of corn meal,and hence worm casts could be used for partial replacement of corn meal or wheat bran in animal diets.Worm body fluids contained 9.4% protein and 78.79 free 在以前的研究基础上,我们发现蚯蚓体内有10多种蛋白水解酶,创造适宜的条件,使这些蛋白酶保持较高的催化活性,可以使蚯蚓体内的蛋白质水解成具有生物活性的活性肽,这些活性肽可被动物完整地吸收,通过调节神经系统-内分泌系统-免疫系统,对动物的生长起到直接促进作用。
Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable. 休闲服装变得越来越流行了。
Casual dress is not accepted in the theatre. 衣着不整谢绝入内。
Casual lightweight stitch detail cargos with plenty of pockets. Button and zip closure with wide belt loops. 100% cotton. Machine wash. Sizes: 28-36. 这是一款轻柔休闲的针织裤子,前后有几个口袋并设有纽扣、拉链和宽大的皮带圈。
Casual or lounging attire. 穿衣随便,穿着邋遢
Casually he put the coins in his pocket and hurried from the ledge. 他把金币捡起来往口袋里随便一扔,然后就急匆匆地离开了。
Casualty-lists were published the day after the train accident. 伤亡名单在火车意外事故的第二天就公布了。

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