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These plants and flowers are made of glass—down to the tiny, hairlike bristles on some of their roots.

These plans reveal a complete failure of imagination. 这些计划显得毫无想象力。
These plans, often called multilevel marketing plans,sometimes promise commissions or rewards that never materialize. 这种计划通常被叫做“多层次直销计划”。
These plant communities cover large areas of the globe and function as carbon dioxide sinks, animal habitats, hydrologic flow modulators, and soil conservers, constituting one of the most important aspects of the Earth\'s biosphere. 这些植物群落覆盖了全球大部分地区而作用为吸收二氧化碳,动物的栖息地,水流量调节器,土壤保持,组成了地球生物圈很多重要方面之一。
These plant fossils date back to the age of the dinosaurs. 这些植物化石可追溯至恐龙时代。
These plant-type characters of Yedan 12resulted in an improving crown-canopy structure which favoring conditions of aeration and solar penetration, so suitable enlargement of planting density would enable maize plants to extending their active photosynthe 掖单12这种株型特点改变了植冠构造,更有利于通气条件和阳光透射,这样适当增大植株密度将使玉米植株扩大活性光合作用面积,促成大穗、穗粒数更高,因此单株籽粒产量更高(表9)。
These plants and flowers are made of glass—down to the tiny, hairlike bristles on some of their roots. 难怪参观者可以在这玻璃植物珍藏室里驻足好几个钟头,彷佛第一次看到植物一样,又拚命想找出哪边做得与实物不符。
These plants are adapted to various climates, soils and other natural conditions. 这些植物能适应各种气候,土壤和其他自然条件.
These plants are distributed into 22 classes. 这些植物分类为二十二纲。
These plants are very delicate and can only grow in a hothouse. 这些植物非常娇嫩,只能在温室里培植。
These plants contain various chemical constituents and have broad bioactivities such as diuresis, anti-tumor and anti-bacteria and should be further investigated. 该属植物含有多种化学成分,主要是三萜和三萜皂苷类成分,具有利尿、抗肿瘤、抗菌等药理活性,值得进行深入的研究和开发。
These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight. 这种植物必须遮起来,免受阳光直射。

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