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Soya peptone is an enzyme digest of soya,this product contains carbohydrate,widely used in culture media and often used for the cultvation of many fastidious organisms and where rapid,luxuriant growth is required.

Sow unto righteousness for yourselves; Reap according to lovingkindness; Break up your fallow ground; For it is time to seek Jehovah Until He comes and rains Righteousness on you. 12你们要为自己向公义撒种,就能照着慈爱收割;你们要开垦自己的休耕地,因为现今正是寻求耶和华的时候,等祂临到,使公义如雨降在你们身上。
Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the Lord Until He comes to rain righteousness on you. 何10:12你们要为自己栽种公义、就能收割慈爱、现今正是寻求耶和华的时候、你们要开垦荒地、等他临到、使公义如雨降在你们身上。
Soy and iron ore accounted for 59% of Brazil's exports to China in 2004, and a total USD 9.1 billion. 2004年,大豆和铁矿石占巴西对中国总出口额91亿美元的59%。
Soy bean oil and its products normally contains only 7 to 11% palmitic acid. 豆油及豆油制品在正常情况下只含7-11%的软脂酸。
Soya beans should become larger after proper soaking. 浸泡期间要换2-3次水。
Soya peptone is an enzyme digest of soya,this product contains carbohydrate,widely used in culture media and often used for the cultvation of many fastidious organisms and where rapid,luxuriant growth is required. 性状:本品系由大豆为原料,经酶消化而成,富含碳水化合物,广泛应用于微生物培养基的配制并常用于营养要求高的微生物培养及满足微生物快速大量生长的需要。
Soybean could reduce cholesterin, prevent cardiopathy and cancer, resist arteriosclerosis and caducity, reduce blood pressure etc, so people all over the world paid attention to the store and process of soybean. 许多研究表明,大豆能够降低胆固醇,预防心脏病和癌症,抗动脉硬化,抗衰老,降低血压等,所以大豆的贮藏及其作为功能性食品的加工与开发就引起了世界各国的关注。
Soybean has a good reputation as the nutritious flower,This product is made of unpolluted hige quality soybean.The soybean was chosen carefully and refined by the dry process.It retained the nutritional composition of the soybean.The protein in it is 1-5 大豆素有“营养之花”的美称,本产品采用无污染的优质大豆,经过干法工艺精制而成,保存了大豆原有的营养成分,比牛肉、鱼、蛋的蛋白质高1-5倍,并含有人体必须的的多种维生素,是调整膳食结构的理想食品。
Soybean, Milk, Sugar,Maltose Syrup, Whole Milk Powder, Calcium Carbonate,Edible Salt. 大豆、牛奶、白砂糖、麦芽糖将、全脂奶粉、碳酸钙、食用盐。
Soybeans contain high amounts of isoflavones. 大豆的异黄酮含量很高。
Soybeans, oil bearing woody plants,and wild oilbearing crops are not included. 包括海水的鱼类、虾蟹类、贝类和藻类以及内陆水域的鱼类、虾蟹类和贝类,不包括淡水生植物。

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