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The folds of his flesh are joined together, Firm on him and immovable.

The first movie was the setup, and this one is the payoff. 第一部(哈里-波特)电影是铺垫,第二部是高潮的开始.
The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. ---- American humorist Mark Twain. 正如美国幽默作家马克吐温所说的“只有在四月一号这一天,我们才意识到在一年中其他的364天中我们是多么的愚蠢”。
The first of all the first fruits of every kind and every contribution of every kind, from all your contributions, shall be for the priests; you shall also give to the priest the first of your dough to cause a blessing to rest on your house. 结44:30首先初熟之物、和一切所献的供物、都要归给祭司.你们也要用初熟的麦子磨面给祭司.这样、福气就必临到你们的家了。
The first primates, you could say, looked quite a bit like arboreal tree shrews,Sargis added. They were mixed feeders, eating fruit and insects and living in the trees. 最早的灵长类动物,看上去有点象树栖地鼠,它们是杂食动物,食用水果和昆虫,在树上生活.
The first thing that came to my mind was Pakistan, Pakistani interest, Pakistan security. “我所想到的第一件事是巴基斯坦,想到事情是否有利于巴基斯坦的利益,是否有助于巴基斯坦的安全。”
The folds of his flesh are joined together, Firm on him and immovable. 伯41:23他的肉块互相联络、紧贴其身、不能摇动。
The foot will trample it, The feet of the afflicted, the steps of the helpless. 赛26:6要被脚践踏、就是被困苦人的脚、和穷乏人的脚践踏。
The four years ahead will be wonderful,said Yeh Ting-jin, 17, a high school student, attending the party's rally with three classmates. 一位17岁的高中学生说接下来的四年会很美好.他是跟其他三位同学来到总部活动的.
The free world and those who love freedom and peace must deal harshly with Hamas and the killers,Bush told reporters when asked whether Israel was justified in recent attacks against the group. 在被问及以色列最近袭击哈马斯是否是正当行为时,布什告诉记者:“自由的世界以及那些爱好自由和和平的人必须严厉对付哈马斯和杀人凶手。
The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. 费译:一个时代的自由思想在下一个时代只是常识而已。
The function of legitimation is to make objectively available and subjectively plausible the 'first-order' objectivation that have been institutionalized. 正当化的功能是为了使已经制度化的「第一顺位的」客体化在客观上有效,并在主观上可信。

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