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She could foretell what the outcome would be.

She could feel her heart pounding painfully as she finished the race. 她跑完赛程後感到心脏都快要跳出来了。
She could feel his great need for freedom. 她可以感觉到它对自由的无限向往。
She could feel the holiness of the place. 她能感受到这地方的神圣气氛。
She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance. 她无法解释清楚何以不翼而飞.
She could find no plausible explanation for the disappearance of the money in the locked safe. 她无法合理的解释为什么锁在保险柜里的钱会不翼而飞。
She could foretell what the outcome would be. 她能预言结果将如何。
She could get away with anything , because she looked such a baby. 她能度过任何风险,因为她看上去简直还像是个娃娃模样。
She could give no shape to her ideas. 她理不清自己的思路。
She could hardly contain her anger. 她几乎不可能控制她的怒气。
She could hardly contain her excitement. 她抑制不住内心的激动.
She could hardly control her fury. 她几乎无法控制她的火气。

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