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You have an inventive and abundant imagination whose creations are extraordinarily real.

You have an expansive nature, and you tend to get involved in any activity, including love, in a big way. 你生性豪爽健谈,喜欢参加各种活动,在很大程度上,也包括爱情。
You have an expense account at work, and you have been turning in expense reports where you have intentionally used company money for personal reasons. 你在公司里有一个公款报销帐户,而你所呈交的开支报告显示你一直都刻意使用公款来报销私人开支。
You have an inquisitive mind. A good question often leads you to the answer. 李博士曾说,只要是同学给的信他一定先回答.他最喜欢妳们这样好奇的问题.
You have an instinct for technologies and techniques ,and you love trying things out .when given some-thing New,you can grasp it quickly and integrate it with the rest of your knowledge .your confidence is born of exprenience. 你对技术和理论有种本能,你热衷于探索技术的真谛,当有一种新技术出现,你能在迅速地掌握他,并能和你已有的知识融会贯通,你的信心来源于你过去的经验。
You have an interesting idea. 你的主意真是有趣。
You have an inventive and abundant imagination whose creations are extraordinarily real. 你的想象力非常丰富而有创造力,你所想象的,都格外的真实。
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it. 你的网站很优秀、结构合理.我很喜欢逛.
You have an unusually creative mind, and you need outlets for your open-minded approach to life. 你有一颗具有非凡创造能力的头脑,并且你需要找到将它释放到生活中的出口。
You have arrived in Antarctica! 您已经成功到达了南极洲!
You have asked for my advice with regard to... and I will try to make some suggestions. 你问我有关……的事情,我会尝试着提出一些建议。
You have asked for my candor and my honest counsel at this critical moment in our nation's history, and you will get both. 在这批评的片刻在我们的国家的历史你已经要求我的直率和我的诚实的法律顾问,并且你将得到两。

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