Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
冷杉真的标志着常青,表现了永恒不朽的经历。 |
Fir tree branches and Christmas lights decorate this street in Helsinki.
芬兰首都赫尔辛基以枞树枝和圣诞灯装扮的街道。 |
Fire Control Instruments, Inc. (FCI) is located in Boston, and neighbor to the worldwide famous Harvard University and MIT.
FCI公司位于美国波士顿市,毗邻世界著名的学府哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。 |
Fire Coyote Co+Yo+Te Increases physical resistance. Increases burn spell level.
火焰增加物理抗性,增加火焰灼伤效果等级。 |
Fire Pans: Use of a fire pan is a good alternative for fire building.
火盆:火盆是野营生火的另一个好的选择。 |
Fire Protection System Installations: The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Guidelines require a confirming flow test be conducted by a certified tester whenever a main linevalve is installed, such as a shut-off valve or a backflow preventer.
消防系统安装:美国全国消防局(NFPA)指导方针要求在安装“主管道”阀门时要由有资格证书的检验员对关闭阀或防回流阀进行流量检测。 |
Fire Protection System Installations: The National Fire protection Agency (NFPA) Guidelines require a confirming flow test be conducted whenever a main linevalve such as the shutoff valves or a backflow assembly have been operated.
消防系统安装:美国国家消防局(NFPA)指导原则要求只要是“主管线”上已经运行的阀门,如关闭阀或防回流阀总成,都需要进行流量确认检测。 |
Fire and EMS personnel were directing walking wounded to a single ambulance (second on scene unit).
消防与紧急医疗服务人员指引可步行的伤员前往一辆救护车所在的位置(是第二辆到达现场的救护单位)。 |
Fire and water (including the water from ceiling sprinkler systems) can do great damage to equipment.
火与水(包括来自天花板上喷洒灭火系统的水)可能对设备造成极大的损害。 |
Fire and water have no mercy.
水火无情。 |
Fire ants get their name because when they sting they inject poison into the skin that causes a feeling of intense burning.
红火蚁的取名是因为当它们叮到物体时会在其表皮注入毒素会使被叮咬的物体有灼热感。 |