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One conundrum is how to get more people through the turnstiles - Stamford Bridge can only squeeze in 42,000, against 60,000 for the new Emirates stadium at Arsenal, or 75,000 at Old Trafford.

One consequence1 you can expect if you donate2 machines is that GNU will run on them at an early date. 你能期望得到的结果是如果你提供了机器GNU就能更早地在它们上面运行。
One constraint is that the opposition Australian Labor Party, which controls the state and territory governments, has a policy of having only three uranium mines operating in Australia. 澳大利亚的在野党工党将是一个限制,他们控制着国家和领土管理部门,有一个政策是只能同时运行三个铀矿。
One contributing factor to forgetfulness is the thought form that you do not create your own reality, that you are indeed a victim to some experience that was not created by yourself in some manner. 对遗忘的一种促成因素是你“不能创造自己的实相”的思想形态,你确实是一些不能由自己以某些方式去创造体验的牺牲者。
One controversial issue for real estate developers and insiders is that small apartments no bigger than 90 square meters must now account for 70 per cent of new home being built. 一个在房地产发展以及业内人士中充满争议的重点是,不足90平方米的小型公寓必须占目前正在被兴建房屋的70%。
One controversial issue for real estate developers and insiders is that small apartments no bigger than 90 square metres must now account for 70 per cent of new homes being built. 新政策规定,建筑面积90平米以下的住房必须占到新建房数量的70%,这在房地产开发商和业内人士中引起了争议。
One conundrum is how to get more people through the turnstiles - Stamford Bridge can only squeeze in 42,000, against 60,000 for the new Emirates stadium at Arsenal, or 75,000 at Old Trafford. 一个棘手的问题是如何增加更多的到场观众——斯坦福桥再怎么扩建也只能有42,000多人,而阿森纳的酋长体育场容量达到60,000,更别提老特拉福德的75,000人。
One cool feature is a built-in transmitter that can be set to relay the satellite radio signal to nearby FM receivers in your house or car. 另外一个酷功能是内建的调频讯号发射器,让你可以将卫星广播的讯号传送到家中或车上的传统调频收音机。
One copy of identification card (or passport) of the board of the directors and general manager (vice one) of the junior enterprise .Their resume, address and telephone number will be needed .Each one should prepare two personal photos for being used. 新公司董事会成员和高级管理人员的身份证明(或护照复印件),简历,家庭住址,联系电话,每人提供二张照片。
One copy of this form will be forwarded to Concierge Desk. 用车申请单的复印件将送到礼宾部柜台.
One corrupt apple corrupts many sound ones. 一颗烂苹果可以败坏很多好苹果。
One corrupt politician does not suggest that all politicians are bad . Any such divsumption is totally misguided . 有一个腐败的政府官员不能说明所有的政府官员都是坏的。这样的假设完全是被误导的。

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