At age 17 in 1956, Rose became the youngest Olympian to win three gold medals during one Olympics.
1957年,17岁的罗斯成为在一届奥运会夺得三枚金牌的选手中最年轻的一位。 |
At age 18, he ran his first marathon.
十八岁时,他第一次跑马拉松。 |
At age 4, she could hear a Mozart concert on the piano and play it back note for note.
四岁的时候,她能听莫札特钢琴演奏会然后一个音符接一个的弹奏。 |
At age 5, the ballet movie The Red Shoes deeply inspired him.
在他5岁时,电影芭蕾舞《红鞋》对他有极大的鼓舞作用。 |
At age 6, Farrah sold body lotion3 door to door and made money off of it.
六岁时,法拉就开始挨家挨户地推销沐浴露来赚钱了。 |
At age 60, success is...having sex.
在60岁时,成功就是拥有性生活。 |
At all events experience shows that religions are in no sense conscious constructions, but that they arise from the natural life of the unconscious psyche and somehow give adequate expression to it.
无论如何,经验显示出来,宗教丝毫不是理性意识所建构,而是起源于无意识心灵的自然生命,并且也恰如其份地表露。 |
At all events we should listen to his opinion.
无论如何,我们该听他的意见。 |
At all events we will carry the struggle through to the end.
无论如何我们要拼博到底。 |
At all events, if it involved any secret information in regard to old Roger Chillingworth, it was in a tongue unknown to the erudite clergyman, and did but increase the bewilderment of his mind.
无论如何,即使其中包含着有关老罗杰·齐灵握斯的秘密信息,也是博学的牧师所不懂的,只能徒增他的困惑面已。 |
At all events, the health of the good town of Boston, so far as medicine had aught to do with it, had hitherto lain in the guardianship of an aged deacon and apothecary, whose piety and godly deportment were stronger testimonials in his favour than any th
无论如何,波士顿这座美好城镇的健康,凡涉及医学二字的,以往全都置于一位年老的教会执事兼任药剂师的监督之下,他那驾信宗教的举止就是明证,比起靠一纸文凭配出的药剂,更能赢得人们的信赖。 |