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After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly.

After war began , the two countries broke off diplomatic relations. 战争一旦正式开打,两国就中止了外交关系。
After warm-up, strengthening and abdominal exercises, Roberto Mancini divided his squad into two groups for some aerobic work, technique drills, ball possession exercises and strengthening work in the gym. 在热身、身体素质和腹肌训练后,罗伯托·曼奇尼将球队分成了2组,球队进行了有氧、技术、控球训练,以及在健身房中进行了身体素质训练。
After washed the chickens, fried it in the cooking oil and then put aside. 鸡肉洗净后,先以食油炸过,然后捞起放一旁.
After washes the bath to drink the milk, the wife puts out the cloth system puppy book which yesterday bought back Lamaze product, a page and a page read the daughter listens, simultaneously used the cloth book training sense of touch. 洗完澡喝完奶后,老婆拿出昨天买回来的拉梅兹出产的布制的小狗书,一页一页念给女儿听,同时利用布制的书训练培养触觉。
After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes out thoroughly. 衣服在肥皂水里洗过之后,要用清水彻底漂干净。
After washing them in soapy water, rinse the clothes thoroughly. 衣服在肥皂水里洗过之后,要彻底冲干净。
After washing, give the film a final rinse in water containing an ILFORD ILFOTOL Wetting Agent (1+200). The film should then be hung to dry. 水洗后,胶片放在水中,再进行一次最后的漂洗,水中包含依尔福ILFOTOL润湿剂(1+200)。然后将胶片挂起干燥。
After wasting several chances to wrap up an AL Central title, the slumping Tigers slipped to a wild-card spot yesterday and now must open the postseason Tuesday night at Yankee Stadium against New York's powerful lineup. 在浪费了很多个登上美联中区冠军的机会之后,老虎队昨天只拿到外卡,现在必须要在星期二开打的季后赛,远征洋基球场,面对纽约洋基火力强大的豪华打线。
After wasting valuable police time, not to mention no small amount of public healthcare funds, he would top off the night by calling everyone he knows to tell them all how much he loved them. 在浪费了警察宝贵的时间之后,更不用说数目不小的公共医疗基金了,他会在当晚收场时给他认识的所有人都打去电话,逐个告诉他们他有多爱他们。
After watched the movie, it was already dusk. 看完电影后,已经是傍晚了.
After watching a film on the drought in China's northwesterly province of Gansu, everyone understands what it's like to have no water, and how lucky they are to live in Malaysia.To raise money for drought victims in Gansu, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia a 看了中国西北部甘肃旱灾的影片,在马来西亚大家了解到无水之苦,也体会到自己有水的幸福,为了甘肃旱灾募款,马来西亚慈济志工制作月饼义卖。

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