Her face was a little touched with the sun, brown on the forehead but red on the nose.
她的脸受到太阳照射,眉头呈棕色而鼻子呈红色。 |
Her face was aglow as she met him.
她见到他时兴奋得面色绯红。 |
Her face was an open book.
她心里有什么事就表现在脸上。 |
Her face was bathed in tears.
她泪流满面. |
Her face was contorted with pain.
她痛得脸都变了样。 |
Her face was covered in wasp stings.
她脸上满是黄蜂蜇过的伤痕. |
Her face was covered with insect bites.
她的脸上满是虫咬的疤痕。 |
Her face was dark in the shadowy place.
在这阴暗的地方她脸色黝黑。 |
Her face was falling loose, but her eyes were calm, and there was something strong in her that made it seem she was not old; merely her wrinkles and loose cheeks were an anachronism.
她的脸上的皮肉虽然松弛了,可是依然神色镇定,身上有种坚强的气质,所以她看上去不见老,只有皱纹和松弛的面颊显示出岁月的过失。 |
Her face was her chaperone.
她的容貌就是她的监护人。 |
Her face was in deep shadow .
她的脸部在一片很暗的阴影中. |