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When I was a freshman, I had great difficulty improving my oral English.

When I was a child, looking at the stars throughout the sky, I had no time to promise. 停不了的爱:小时候,看着满天的星星,当流星飞过的时候,却总是来不及许愿。
When I was a child, my brother, mother, and I always made a lot of cookies before Christmas. 当我还是小孩的时候,我的兄弟,母亲和我总会在圣诞节前做很多的饼干。
When I was a child, my mom used to 12)braid my hair. 小时候,妈妈经常帮我编辫子。
When I was a child, three of my grandparents, one widowed grandmother and a pair of grandparents, lived with us in our house. 在我小时候,我寡居的姥姥和爷爷奶奶三位老人与我们住在一起。
When I was a child, we always used an artificial tree, but when I was in high school, we started buying a live tree. 当我还小的时候,我们会买棵人工的树,但我上高中以后,我们就买真的树了。
When I was a freshman, I had great difficulty improving my oral English. 我大一的时候,想提到英语口语一直是我的难题。
When I was a kid, I would pick wildflowers for my mom or make a card. 当我还小的时候,我会摘野花或是做卡片送我妈妈。
When I was a little boy,I wanted to be a superman. 当我是个小男孩的时候,我想当个超人。
When I was a little child, my grandpa always sat next to me and told some stories about the legendary of Hakka. 在我小时候,我爷爷总是坐在我身边,讲一些关于客家人的传奇故事给我听。
When I was a little girl , together with my parents moved out to the south. 在南方长大,完成学业并且参加工作。
When I was a pupil at grade school, my teacher always told us that China used to be great poor in the past and began to be rich until CCP came to power in 1949. 当我还是小学生的时候,我的老师就告诉我中国过去一直是一穷二白的,直到共产党于1949年掌权之后。

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