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Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign.

Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease. ? 你的厨房覆盖着一层厚厚的油,人家不会“炒”菜。
Your kitchen should not be a main thoroughfare to the rest of your home. 你不应厨房的主要通道,你回家休息.
Your kitten's socialization can be enhanced by frequent petting and handling, as studies show that petting a young kitten can make her more responsive as an adult cat. 对猫咪的经常性的抚摩和接触能够加强你的猫咪的社交性。研究表明,轻抚幼猫能够使它的回应得更象成年猫一样。
Your know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes?Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? 你知道那个用在飞机上的“不会被摧毁”的黑匣子吧?为什么他们不把整架飞机都造成那种材料的?
Your knowledge of Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识很令人惊讶。
Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign. 你的不守规矩会让这个稳如泰山的星座苦恼不安。
Your laid-back tude will be a major friend magnet. 你柔和的态度是交朋友的一块吸铁石(吸引朋友的主要因素)。
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a year-old male; you may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 5要无残疾、一岁的公羊羔,或从绵羊里取,或从山羊里取,都可以。
Your last check bounced, so please send a cashier's check. 你的上一张支票跳票了,请寄一张银行本票来。
Your last month's salary will be paid by remittance. 最后一个月的薪水将用汇款的方式付给你。
Your last name is ____. What kind of name is that? 你姓___,那是哪个地区的姓?

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