For dreams to become a reality, you need a plasma machine like this. Here, in a vacuum, textiles are put in contact with different gases -oxygen, nitrogen, fluoride, or ammonia. |
中文意思: 为了梦想成为现实,你需要一台这样的等离子机。在真空状态下,纺织品被放进去接触不同的气体。氧气,氮气,氟化物,氨气。 |
For domestic country:we would contact and make appointment with you.
如果产品在同一个国家,我们会联系您并约定发货时间。 |
For domestic productive enterprises with an investment of RMB50 minion Yuan or more, or domestic productive enterprises making and investment of RMB50 million Yuan or more to backbone industries, newly-developing industries, new &high-tech industries and
对国内投资额5000万元人民币以上的生产性国内投资企业,或国内投资者投资支柱产业、新兴产业、高新技术产业,投资额在5000万元人民币以上且经营期10年以上及参与国有企业改组改造的,自获利年度起的一定期限内按其缴纳所得税地方留成部分的一定比例给予奖励。 |
For domestic products entering the center, they are treated as export, enjoying export VAT rebate policy upon entry into the center.
境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口,可以享受出口退税政策,并在进入物流中心环节退税。 |
For drawing the capital factor into the supplying function and considering the microcosmic structure of the exchange market, a springy exchange rate system and a macrocosmic economic model under the limited capital float condition may be set up.
摘要将资本因素引入供给函数,并考虑到外汇市场微观结构,可以构建一个弹性汇率制和资本有限流动下的宏观经济模型。 |
For drawn pipe in coil,the shorter axis should be no less than 90% of nomial outer diameter.
成盘供应的拉制管,其短轴尺寸应不小于公称外径的90%。 |
For dreams to become a reality, you need a plasma machine like this. Here, in a vacuum, textiles are put in contact with different gases -oxygen, nitrogen, fluoride, or ammonia.
为了梦想成为现实,你需要一台这样的等离子机。在真空状态下,纺织品被放进去接触不同的气体。氧气,氮气,氟化物,氨气。 |
For dual energy Gamma ray coal ash gauge, the error induced by inten sity averaging is consisted of two parts, the error caused by thickness change and by ash content change The magnitudes of the two errors are compared using app roximate analytical expre
定向断裂爆破技术是利用聚能管改变巷道周边眼装药结构,爆破时,利用聚能作用控制裂隙的方向和数量,以获得较好的爆破效果的技术;它与传统的光面爆破技术有较大的差别。 |
For dual-phase flow such as steam-water mixtures.
对于双相流体,如蒸汽-水混合流体。 |
For dusty wooden, plastic, leather, ceramic surfaces, let Buff-Up Furniture Polish provide a light protective coating. It combines cleaning and waxing.
厨房炉具、抽油烟机、墙壁─只需喷上已用水稀释的超霸强力去渍剂,再用湿布一抹,所有油烟、污渍立即消失,厨房回复明亮爽洁。 |
For each Valve DN should be make special seat in order to position valve in the centre of fixture.
每种被测阀门必须有专用支架以保证对中安装。 |
For each assignment, you will analyze one feature-length film in which law is a central character.
每份作业分析一部以法律为中心看点的故事长片。 |