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Zhukov accepted the risk of sending armor unsupported by infantry against the Japanese soldiers because his own infantry formations still had not appeapred at the front, and he believed that to await their arrival would squander an opportunity to destroy

Zhuhai will form the initial base of operations for the supermarket but in the future, Youyijia will expand its operations to neighbouring cities in the hopes of becoming a famous retailer in the Pearl River Delta region. 据介绍,又一家超市将以珠海本士为依托,努力向周边城市发展,使其成为珠三角零售业的知名品牌。
Zhuhai's fishing boats resumed fishing again on August 1st, declaring the closing of the 2-month long South China Sea hot season fishing-cease. 为期两个月的南海区伏季休渔8月1日结束,我市参加休渔的渔船恢复了在南海进行捕捞作业。
Zhuji pearl from Zhejiang Province and Weitang pearl from Jiangsu Province play a key role in the global market of fresh-water cultured pearl. 浙江诸暨珍珠及江苏渭塘珍珠在世界淡水珍珠贸易中占有极其重要的地位。
Zhujiajiao is located by the Dianshan Lake in the western suburbs of Shanghai,in the certerof Qingpu county,linking Sanghai with Jiangsu and Zhejiang province.With convenient transportation and quiet enviroment,it is a land flowing with milk and honey,the 朱家角位于上海西郊淀山湖畔,青浦县中部,与江苏、浙江省接壤,环境幽静,是典型的江南鱼米之乡,水木清华,风光旖旎,镇内河港纵横,沿河建筑鳞次栉比,建于明代的五孔石拱桥放生桥等36座石桥将九条古街连接,形成一派优美的水乡风光。
Zhukou fishery company is the key unit to fishery production in Shandong Province, having 5 subsidiaries and one chief plants of aquaculture joint operation-fish meal processing factory under the jurisdiction of the company. 朱口渔业公司为山东省渔业生产重点单位,辖设五个分公司和养殖联营总场渔粉厂。
Zhukov accepted the risk of sending armor unsupported by infantry against the Japanese soldiers because his own infantry formations still had not appeapred at the front, and he believed that to await their arrival would squander an opportunity to destroy 朱可夫冒险派出无步兵支援的装甲力量去进攻日军,因为他所指挥的步兵部队都不在前线,而且他确信,等待他们(后续步兵部队)到来将会错过消灭日本人的机会。
Zhulong.com is collaborating with most mainstream media of construction industry such as China Construction News, Construction Daily, Construction Technology Journal, Building Technology Journal, Construction Workers Journal, Architectural Structure, Engi 与我们保持良好合作与关系的建筑行业媒体主要有:《中国建设报》、《建筑时报》、《施工技术》、《建筑技术》、《建筑工人》、《建筑结构》、《工程质量》等,这些媒体为中国建筑行业的主流媒体,我们在内容及其他方面有广泛合作。
ZhuoEr relief wall ornament is the perfect composite of sculpture and painting, which can raise the taste of housing and add value to the spirit of home decoration with its strong artistic appeal. 卓尔浮雕壁饰,综合雕塑与绘画的艺术特色,赋予空间强烈的艺术感染力,提升装饰品位,成就家居文化。
Zhuoyuan ceramics in addition to quality, More brand building will be considered a priority. 卓远陶瓷除了重视质量外,更将品牌建设看作重中之重。
Zhuyugang displaced from the dragon chariot, the primary Wu Meiniang Times along behind them with Xiao-man, he has Cui-side, Enter a look at the administrations of the Nanjing military attache Jhong is also no reason why he is tall has grown long and too 朱玉刚从龙舆中下来,一手挽着吴媚娘,身后跟着小蛮,他走过崔成秀身旁时,打量了一眼自己的这个臣子,南京兵部尚书按理说也是个武官,他却长得身材颀长,面容清秀,一撇小胡子在风中微微扬起,倒像个读书人一样。
Zi Di Cun Zhi (a book recording the historical events of Zidi Village) compiled in Qing Dynasty recorded vivid and detailed materials about the then grass-roots society. 摘要清代纂修的各地村镇志,保存了中国基层社会大量鲜活具体的翔实资料。

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