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The news will be on the air tonight.

The news was much the same as usual. 消息跟平时大致一样。
The news was passed on by word of mouth. 众口相传,消息不胫而走。
The news wasn't all bad for Los Angeles. Despite the dubious distinction, the number of days residents breathed the nation's worst ozone levels was fewer than in previous years. 对洛杉矶来说,不全都是坏消息。尽管不确定的区别,但居民呼入全国最高臭氧程度的天数比以前要少了。
The news went about (round, around) the city. 消息在全城传开了。
The news went around like fire. Within half an hour it was all over the town. 消息不胫而走,不到半个钟头就传遍了全镇。
The news will be on the air tonight. 这个新闻今晚将要广播。
The news will come as a boost for Ukraine coach Oleg Blokhin, who's side desperately need points to get their qualification campaign back on track. 这则消息对乌克兰主教练奥莱格-布洛辛来说,是非常振奋的。他所率领的球队非常需要从对手身上拿分,重新回到小组出线权的争夺中来。
The news will come as a huge blow to coach John Toshack, who made Giggs his captain in the hope the wing ace would play on until the 2010 World Cup. 对于任命吉格斯为队长并希望这名边路大将能为威尔士比赛直到2010年世界杯的教练约翰图夏克,吉格斯的这一决定是重大的打击。
The news won't worry her, I reckon. 我看这消息不会使她不安。
The news, breaking in South America last night, means that United will take their summer buying past the £70m mark, confirming them as the biggest spenders in world football. 这则新闻是昨晚从南美开始传出的,这意味着曼联今夏转会投入达到7000万镑,成为世界上投入最多的俱乐部。
The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place. 报童把报纸投错了地方。

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