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Former Azzurri Coach Marcello Lippi has admitted that a sensational return to Juventus could be on the cards.

Formed mainly from the combination of Russian revolution and its practice, Leninism introduced the Oriental Marxism earlier than other theories. 列宁主义主要是结合俄国的社会主义革命和建设实践形成的,它开创了东方马克思主义的先河。
Formed over the past few years from several smaller storms, Jupiter's Little Red Spot survived a near miss with Jupiter's better-known Great Red Spot last year. 小红斑在几年前形成,去年几乎要与知名的大红斑相撞,不过没撞上,直到现在它仍一直存活著。
Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR. 东欧凤凰是在苏联解体后产生的恐怖主义组织。
Former Argentine soccer star Maradona was taken to hospital on Sunday in a serious, feverish condition with a swollen heart and breathing problems. 前阿根廷足球巨星----马拉多纳,于周日因严重高热伴心脏肥大及呼吸障碍,被送入医院。
Former Arsenal striker Perry Groves says his old club are better off without Ashley Cole. 前阿森纳球员佩里格雷夫斯说,他的老东家在没有了阿什利科尔后表现更好。
Former Azzurri Coach Marcello Lippi has admitted that a sensational return to Juventus could be on the cards. 前阿佐利教练里皮已经承认他有重回尤文图斯这个引起轰动的想法.
Former Bulgarian international Hristo Yovov has joined PFC Levski Sofia after the 27-year-old striker was released by the capital club's fellow high-fliers PFC Litex Lovech last November. 曾于今年二月份试训鲁能泰山队的保加利亚前锋尤沃夫加盟索非亚列夫斯基俱乐部,双方签约一年。
Former CEO Andy Grove joked that Barrett had collected enough frequent-flier miles to buy his own airline. 而现在的事实是日本人正在仿效因特网公司的做法。
Former Chelsea wide-man Damien Duff has talked about the hurt he felt following his exit from the club this summer. 前切尔西边缘球员达米恩.达夫,谈到他今年夏天离开切尔西时,他感到很痛苦。
Former Chinese actress and business celebrity Chen Xiaoxu has taken the tonsure at a Buddhist temple in Changchun, capital of Jilin province in northeast China, her husband told a newspaper Sunday. 周日,陈晓旭的丈夫向某报社透露,中国前著名演员和商界名流陈晓旭,已在中国东北吉林省长春的一个佛教寺庙落发为尼。
Former Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command Korea/U.S. 前联合国军朝鲜/美国联合部队朝鲜司令部总司令。

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