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An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member.

An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loading and execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
An operation theatre should be a sterile environment. 手术室应该是个无菌的环境。
An operational pause ensued at the center of the front while armored forces from Army Group Center struck south to link up with forces striking northward from Army Group South. 当装甲的力量从军队小组中心碰撞南部与碰撞向北从军队小组的力量连接南时,操作的停留接着而来了在前面的中心。
An operator arrives at the host stadium with the network's video crew one or two days before game time and proceeds to digitally map the gridiron, calibrate the three main game cameras at the 25, 50 and 25 yard lines, and customize the video-graphics soft 在正式比赛的一、两天前,特效操作员会和电视网的摄影工作人员一起来到球赛场地,开始以数位的方式勘测球场,调整设置在25码、50码和25码线的三架主要球赛摄影机,并订做影像图形软体,以便让金黄色的幻影在每场比赛并列争球时出现。
An ophthalmologist can tell if your eyes have been affected by diabetes. 眼科医师知道你的眼睛是否受糖尿病的影响。
An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or baptized church member. 异端学说与已得到承认的宗教信仰相矛盾的观点或学说,尤指已立誓信教或受过洗礼的教徒对罗马天主教教义的异议或否认
An opinion piece in today's important state run China Daily today says there is no way China should give in to pressure to revalue its currency. 美国,日本和欧洲的评论人士认为,这是不公平的,这样的汇率使得中国在外汇上获得了相对其他国家来说不公平的优势。
An opportune arrival. 来的正是时候
An opportunity has arisen. 机会来了。
An opposite position; antithesis. 对置相对的位置;对照
An opposite sweet-scented osmanthus loved him for a long time, however he's always cool to her. 对面的一朵桂花喜欢了他很久,对那张靓丽的脸他总是冷眼不看。

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