In 2004 three friends and I headed from Tucson to Tombstone for the day, as two of my friends were from RAF in England and had never been there.
2004年,我和三个朋友从图森市到墓碑市去玩儿,其中的两个朋友是驻扎在图森市的英国皇家空军,从没去过墓碑市。 |
In 2004, Arken appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Celebration, and sang the song “Almakhan”.
2004年中央电视台春节晚会上艾尔肯演唱了《阿拉木罕》。 |
In 2004, BHP Billiton, the largest mining group in the world, posted turnover of US$9.6 billion.
必和必拓集团是世界最大的矿业集团,2004年的营业额是96亿美元。 |
In 2004, China's per capita primary energy consumption was only 1.08 tons of oil equivalent, or 66% of the world average of 1.63 tons.
2004年,中国人均一次能源消费量仅为1.08吨油当量,为世界平均水平1.63吨油当量的66%。 |
In 2004, Chinas dyestuff production yielded 598300t, and organic pigment production yielded 143600t, increased 10.4% and 13.3% respectively compared to the year of 2003.
摘要2004年,全国染料产量59.83万吨,与上年比增长了10.4%;有机颜料产量14.36万吨,与上年比增长了13.3%。 |
In 2004, Federer became the first man since Mats Wilander in 1988 to win three out of the four Grand Slam singles tournaments in the same year.
2004年,费德勒成为继1988年的马刺-维兰德之后在一年内赢得4项大满贯中3项的第一人。 |
In 2004, Google bought 2.6 percent of Baidu's stake in the company's last round of financing before its share offering on the NASDAQ. Google later cashed out after Baidu's listing.
2004年,谷歌在公司最后一轮融资期内购买了百度2.6%的股份,即在谷歌股票在NASDAQ上市之前。在百度列表公布之后,谷歌以现金兑现了这些股票。 |
In 2004, Innopath Software's software management platform will be in over 30 million handsets in Japan, China, Europe and US markets.
创道软件(北京)有限公司的总部设在美国加利福尼亚的硅谷科技中心,在中国北京和日本东京设有分支机构。 |
In 2004, Rare Earth and Rare Dispersed Element High-tech &New Material Industrialization Base was set up in the company with Liaoyang People's Government and Liaoning University.
2004年辽阳市人民政府与辽宁大学在我公司共建了“稀土及稀散元素高新材料产业化基地”。 |
In 2004, Rolls-Royce unveiled 100EX, a striking experimental drophead built to celebrate 100 years of arguably the most famous automotive brand in the world.
在2004年,劳斯莱斯为庆祝这一世界上最著名的汽车品牌诞生100周年,特意发布了一款令人怦然心动的软顶敞篷概念车100EX。 |
In 2004, South Korea deployed about 35-hundred troops to Iraq.
2004年,韩国向伊拉克部署了大约3500人的部队。 |