Variation in population characteristics across a geographical area; may be related to environmental gradients or may have no functional significance. |
中文意思: 族群特性在穿越一个地理区不同的地理环境之间之变异性。 |
Variance between transeunt request and self judgement.
外在的要求常和自己的判断不一致。 |
Variance reports on financial, sales and production plans are ex-amples of information systems oriented to control.
对财务、销售和生产计划的误差报告属于控制型信息系统。 |
Variance reports on financial,sales and production plans are examples of information system oriented to control.
对财务、销售和生产计划的误差报告属于控制型性信息系统。 |
Variant: Psionic creatures freely manifest each of their known powers and combat modes 3/day.
变体规则:灵能生物每天可自由展现他们已知的异能和战斗方式各3次。 |
Variation in operating times will occur depending on SIM card, network and usage settings, usage style and environments. These specifications are subject to change without notice.
变异操作时会发生取决于SIM卡,网络和使用设置,使用风格和环境.上述规格如有更改,恕不另行通知. |
Variation in population characteristics across a geographical area; may be related to environmental gradients or may have no functional significance.
族群特性在穿越一个地理区不同的地理环境之间之变异性。 |
Variation in setting between back plate and cylinder.
后固定盖板和锡林隔距差异大。 |
Variation in the level of cheese holder brackets.
筒子托架水平(面)变异。 |
Variation in top roller diameter.
上罗拉直径变异大。 |
Variation ratio of dimensional after water rinse, ultimate strength, neps and pile, tearing resistance, bursting strength, joint strength, commissure's swerve strength, fabric shift(slip), ventilate degree, elasticity(resilient rate/deformation rate), ant
水洗尺寸变化率(缩水),断裂强力,起毛起球,撕破强力,弹子顶破强力,胀破强度接缝强力,缝口脱开程度,纱线滑移性能(滑脱),透气量,弹性(回复率/变形率),抗渗水性(静水压),延伸及回复性,耐磨性,沾水性,吸水性,袜子横向延伸,阻燃性能,抗静电。 |
Variation tendency of nozzle gap and contact stress was obtained in terms of multi-time computational results, and some modification suggestions, which are available for designers of solid rocket motor nozzle, were presented by the tendency.
综合多个时刻的计算结果得到发动机工作过程中喷管结构缝隙和接触应力的变化趋势,并据此对设计缝隙提出了修改意见,结果可为发动机喷管设计提供参考。 |