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His black leather couch looks expensive.

His birthday's on 19 October. He's (a) Libra/a Libran. 他的生日是10月19日. 他属天秤座.
His birthplace in Leiden, 20 miles south, has naturally organized its own festivities. 他的出生地在阿姆斯特丹南部20英里的莱顿市,当地也有庆祝他的庆典。
His bitterness spills over at a dinner party attended by his old college friends, an occasion which sends him running to a nearby brothel, where he meets Liza (Lee), a young prostitute. 他在有自己大学老朋友出席的一次晚宴上大吐苦水,弄得他跑进了附近的一家妓院,在那儿他遇见了年轻妓女丽莎(李)。
His black hair hanging fashionably in his eyes, the pale and slim figure in the military uniform sings a lament to the fate of children in a land wasted by a war. 时髦的黑发低垂微微的遮住眼睛,那个穿着军装的瘦弱身躯用歌声,哀叹着这片被战争摧残的土地上孩子们的命运。
His black hair was tinged with gray. 他的黑头发带著一点灰白。
His black leather couch looks expensive. 他的黑色皮沙发看上去很昂贵。
His blog contains thousands of commentaries on anything from Hollywood stars to the rough-and-tumble of Cambodian politics along with historical documents and exchanges with diplomats or Cambodian politicians. 他的网志包括了数千篇评论,内容从好莱坞明星到柬埔寨的混乱政局无所不包,另外还有历史文件,以及他和外交官员或柬埔寨政治人物的意见交换等。
His blood group is AO. 他的血是AO型.
His blood pressure is really up. 他的血压很高。
His blood ran cold and he became desperate. 他的血液冻结,也失去理智了。
His blood ran cold at the news. 听到这消息,他血都凉了。

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