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Reviewing the relevant literature, this article identifies the points for attention and evaluation prior to I.V. therapy, methods to prevent and manage peripheral extravasation, and important points about legal aspects of I.V. therapy.

Reviewing the development of campus planning theory, the paper sets out from purpose of university, by the example of Baoji institute of Profession and Technology programming setting forth three key aspects in district of campus city utility, dual-core pu 回顾大学规划理论的发展历程,该文力图从大学的目的出发,以宝鸡职业技术学院规划为例,在大学城市功能区、双核心公共空间、园林化校园三个方面展开,对大学规划作出解读。
Reviewing the evolvement of natural history concept and reference books from ancient to modern times in China and comparing the differences between knowledge structures and classification systems of China and western world are of various academic values. 考察中国博物观念及其工具书从古代到近代的演变,比较中西知识结构和分类体系的不同,具有多方面的学术价值。
Reviewing the existing fragmented legislation relating to nature conservation, and considering the enactment of legislation that specifically deals with the conservation of nature and biodiversity. 重新审视目前零星存在于各条例中有关自然保育的条文,考虑为处理自然及生态保育事宜订立专门的法例。
Reviewing the growth course of our company, found the factory that year, there were 25 sewing machines, Lease the place, the small factory which 45 people produced, but because of paying attention to quality, The products in 1987, held and produce the imp 回顾我公司的成长历程,建厂那年,只有25台缝纫机,租借场地,45人生产的小厂,但由于注重质量,1987年产品,由云南蓄产进出口公司和贵州轻工包销,任务饱满,生产不断壮大,出口劳保手套年产达30万打,并逐步销给香港中亚公司,大康贸易公司,置富洋行,海燕贸易公司。
Reviewing the past,we have gained faiths of being realistic and enterprising;Look forward to the future,we will do better.The company will supply you with first-rate management,first-rate quality,first-rate service and good reputation.Let‘s co-operate to 回顾过去,给我们求实进取的信念;展望未来,更激发我们永争上游的决心;公司将以一流的管理、一流的质量、一流的服务和良好的信誉回报和感谢众多客户的支持;与你们携手共创美好未来。
Reviewing the relevant literature, this article identifies the points for attention and evaluation prior to I.V. therapy, methods to prevent and manage peripheral extravasation, and important points about legal aspects of I.V. therapy. 本文针对静脉输液治疗前的评估与注意事项、输液外渗预防、观察与处理,以及面对司法相关问题时的注意重点进行文献整理。
Reviews account analysis on all company-wide accounts to ensure proper documentation for audit purposes. 根据审计标准对公司内部所有的帐务及所附文件进行审核。
Reviews and analyses have been done aiming at the three main branches of intelligent control of fuzzy logic control, neural neuwork control and expert control system. 对智能控制的3大主要分支模糊逻辑控制、神经网络控制及专家控制系统在污水生物处理中应用的最新动态进行了评论和分析。
Reviews are made on the development of nickel plating technology for 70 years in Guangdong. Suggestions are mentioned on the nickel electroplating in the future. 摘要通过对广东地区镀镍工艺近70年发展的回顾,提出了今后镀镍发展的一些建议。
Reviews building load-estimating procedures to ensure that proper loads are used to size the ground-source subsystems. 还有评估建筑物冷/热载,从而选用恰当的地源热泵子系统。
Reviews equipment plans, specifications and calculations for conformance with the PED 97/23/EC. 确认压力设备的制造计划,技术规范和计算书。

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