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Musical storytelling can be found as early as the fifth century B.C.

Musical instruments also advance technologically as time passes. 随着时间的推移,乐器在科学技术上也更为先进。
Musical instruments for the sacrifice ceremony are kept in the southern side hall, the Musical Instrument Storehouse (Yue Qi Ku). 南殿叫“乐器库”,是存放祭祀所用乐器和乐舞生服的地方。
Musical is a very special kind of drama. One musical can tell us a whole story with music. 音乐剧是一种十分特别的戏剧,一出音乐剧可以告诉我们以整个故事。
Musical sense Cellist Chang Chen-chieh performs at a news conference held to promote a September 5 charity concert at Taipei Zhongshan Hall. 台湾癌症基金会将于九月五日在台北中山堂举办「悦声?悦生」慈善音乐会。
Musical sound when feeling blue, it is she venting on best for cost not to do shopping. 每当韵心情不好的时候,花销购物就是她最佳的发泄。
Musical storytelling can be found as early as the fifth century B.C. 用音乐来表达故事,早在公元5世纪就已经出现了。
Musical style Further information: Lee-Hom Wang discography Since 1995, Wang has released ten full-length Mandarin studio albums and two Japanese albums, not including Wang's other compositions in soundtracks or the appearances in other studio albums of d 音乐风格资讯:王力宏自1995发片以来,已经发行10张华语专辑、2张日语,不包括王力宏为其他艺人和录音带写的作品。
Musicals have been conventionally considered a genre that thrives on light-hearted sentimentality and fantasy, but its recourse to spectacle and appeal to emotion paradoxically lends itself to the heightened emotion of the conflicted victims in private as 音乐剧向来就被视为喜温情、爱幻想,而它撩人情感又诉诸场面的双重特质不但强化了受害双方的私密情绪,且又映照公众审判和私刑的观看本质,使得民怨公愤及个人创痛皆得以找到宣洩的出口。
Musicat has earned tremendous applause <br>among the circle of music and performing arts people... 音乐猫在多家电视台的综艺节目中演出,<br>获得了专业人士和观众的一致好评...
Musicians looking for work on a cruise ship have not one, but at least two Web sites where they can search for ocean-liner jobs. 对于正在寻找游船上工作的乐师们而言,不是一个而是至少两个网站可供他们寻找海航线上的工作机会。
Musicians performing in memorial and holiday parades added their own music to written music. 音乐家们在纪念性的和节假日游行的表演中在乐曲中加入自己的音符。

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