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In no case; never.

In no case should we give up hope. 我们绝不能放弃希望。
In no case should we prevent the students from exploring new ideas. 我们决不能阻止学生对新思想进行探索。
In no case will assets be distributed, directly or indirectly, to individuals or former or current “HARTS” members. 为保障会员权益,其数额不得超过港元十元正。
In no case will he give up the experiment. 无论如何他都不会放弃那个试验。
In no case, however, should this latitude ever extend over 12 inches or under 9 inches. 但无论如何,肩高不应该超过12英寸或低于9英寸(22.86厘米-30.48厘米)。
In no case; never. 无论如何不;决不
In no circumstance is it allowed to deduct or delay the payment. 不得克扣或者无故拖欠劳动者的工资。
In no circumstances can the bicycle in the circle of the circus be a focus. 马戏表演圈子中的自行车决不会成为焦点.
In no circumstances must you forget to lock the safe. 您无论如何不能忘锁保险箱的门。
In no circumstances should you forget to turn off the power. 任何情况下都不要忘了关掉电源。
In no circumstances whatsoever shall tester be liable for any loss or damage of sample、 test report caused by such beyond tester control including but not limited to fire、 flood. 、explosion 、earthquake. 十一、如遇火灾、水灾、爆炸、地震等人力所不可抗拒的情况,而造成样品损坏、遗失的,承检方不对样品的损坏、遗失及检测结果负责。

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