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And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon it; but if not, it shall return upon you.

And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake. 26人若打坏了他奴仆或是婢女的一只眼,就要因他的眼放他去得以自由。
And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof. 利27:31人若要赎这十分之一的甚麽物、就要加上五分之一。
And if a priest's daughter is married to a stranger, she shall not eat of the heave offering of the holy things. 12祭司的女儿若嫁给外人,就不可吃举祭的圣物。
And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 30若旁边坐着的得了启示,那先说话的就当闭口不言。
And if a sojourner sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. 33若有外人在你们的地寄居,你们不可欺负他。
And if a son of peace is there, your peace shall rest upon it; but if not, it shall return upon you. 6那里若有平安之子,你们的平安就必临到那家;不然,平安就归与你们了。
And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 13妻子有不信的丈夫、丈夫也情愿和他同住、他就不要离弃丈夫。
And if academic skill is the only thing you are selling, it is grim. 并且如果技巧是您唯一卖弄的,那就太残酷了。
And if after these things you will not listen to Me, then I will chastise you seven times more for your sins. 18这些事之后,你们若还不听从我,我就要为你们的罪加七倍惩治你们。
And if any beast, of which ye may eat, die; he that toucheth the carcase thereof shall be unclean until the even. 39你们可吃的走兽若是死了,有人摸它,必不洁净到晚上。
And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation. And the rest will I set in order when I come. 34若有人肌饿,可以在家里先吃。免得你们聚会自己取罪。其馀的事,我来的时候再安排。

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