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It's raining heavily. Mr. Booby is walking slowly in the rain. Others urged him by saying, “why not go quickly?

It's raining cats and dogs, so we can't go out to play right now. 外面正下着倾盆大雨,所以现在我们不能出去玩儿。
It's raining cats and dogs. 雨下得很大。
It's raining everyday.I wish I'd see the sun for a change. 整天都下雨,真希望能见到阳光,换换口味。
It's raining hard. 雨下得很大。
It's raining hard. You have to take the raincoat. 雨下得很大,你必须带上雨衣。
It's raining heavily. Mr. Booby is walking slowly in the rain. Others urged him by saying, “why not go quickly? 天上正下着大雨,呆子在大雨中慢吞吞地走着。别人催他说,“怎么不走快一点呀?”
It's raining nonstop- what miserable weather! 雨下个不停, 多烦人的天气!
It's raining outside. He ran back to the dorm so that didn't wet all over. 下雨了,他小跑着回宿舍,总算没有被淋成落汤鸡。
It's raining worse than ever . 168雨越下越大了。
It's raining worse than ever. 雨下得更大了.
It's raining--so much for my idea of taking a walk. 天下雨了我要出去散步的想法也完了。

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