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Miss Anna Jarvis's mother's favorite flower was the white carnation.

Misreading of the structure of the Chinese characters, of the rules and forms of the Chinese classic poems in composition, and of their meanings, became the inspirational source for Pound and other poets of imaginary school in their poetic reform and crea 对汉字结构、中国诗的格律、诗歌含义等方面产生的误读,成为庞德等意象派诗人进行诗歌革新和创作的灵感源泉,并对当时英美意象诗派的形成和繁荣产生了积极作用。
Miss #1 and Miss #3: What's the problem? You squeal like little pigs! 第一小姐和第三小姐:啥个事体?哇啦哇啦的小猪猡!
Miss : hippy outlook on the game, kw where the company's most beautiful beauty? Right, in the future, oh beautiful and graceful collection, in the gentle MM oh. 前台小姐游戏介绍:嘻,大公司最美丽的美女在哪里知道吗?对了,就是在前台哦,集温柔美丽可人于一身的MM哦。
Miss A will be tickled pink if she gets an autograph from a famous movie star. (A小姐如能获得有名电影明星的亲自签名,将会十分高兴。)
Miss Abbot turned to divest a stout leg of the necessary ligature. 艾博特小姐转而从她粗壮的腿上,解下那条必不可少的带子。
Miss Anna Jarvis's mother's favorite flower was the white carnation. 安娜·贾维丝小姐的母亲最喜爱的花是白色康乃馨。
Miss Anne has just got her salary raised,so her cecision to resign was a bolt from the blue. 安妮小姐刚被提升了工资,所以她的辞职是我们始料不及的。
Miss Anne has just got her salary raised,so her decision to resign was a bolt from the blue. 安妮小姐刚被提升了工资,所以她的辞职是我们始料不及的。
Miss Bennet accepted her aunt's invitation with pleasure; and the Bingleys were no otherwise in her thoughts at the time, than as she hoped that, by Caroline's not living in the same house with her brother, she might occasionally spend a morning with her, 班纳特小姐乐意地接受了舅母的邀请,她心里并没有怎么想到彬格莱一家人,只希望珈罗琳不和他哥哥同住一宅,那么她就可以偶尔到珈罗琳那儿去玩上一个上午,而不至于撞见他哥哥。
Miss Bennet paused a little and then replied, Surely there can be no occasion for exposing him so dreadfully. What is your own opinion? 班纳特小姐想了一会儿才说道:“当然用不着叫他太难堪。你的意见如何?”
Miss Benson was permitted to tell the world she was the true writer of the Nancy Drew series. 班逊小姐到那时才获准向全世界宣告,她才是《南希·德鲁》系列丛书的真正作者。

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