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Chen Yibing, 22, won rings gold, as Xiao Qin, 21, successfully defended the pommel horse on Friday.

Chen Xiang: Mom, How this could be a magic lantern? 沉香:妈妈,它为什么是盏神灯呢?
Chen Xiang: Mom, you don't want the lantern light? 沉香:妈妈,你不想让灯亮吗?
Chen Xiang: Then it's what? 沉香:那它是?
Chen Xiaoxu was reported to still be at Baiguoxinglong Temple, the Buddhist monastery where she received the tonsure ceremony. 据报道,陈晓旭仍然呆在为她举行剃度仪式的百国兴隆寺内。
Chen Yahan: won the 2nd of Enfant Group, from Wuhan Music Institute Accessorial Middle School. 陈雅菡:儿童组第二名,来自武汉音乐学院附中。
Chen Yibing, 22, won rings gold, as Xiao Qin, 21, successfully defended the pommel horse on Friday. 陈一冰,22岁,摘得吊环金牌,21岁的肖钦在星期五成功卫冕鞍马冠军。
Chen Yifeng,Luo Lihua,Shan Xiangnian and Cao Xiaomei 1981 The Study of Chromosomes in Chinese Primates. Science Press,Beijing,China. 4陈宜峰、罗丽华、单祥年、曹筱梅198l中国灵长类染色体。科学出版社,北京。
Chen Ying Graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Department of Fine Arts of China University for Ethnic Minorities in 1989, majoring in traditional Chinese painting. 1985年就读于北京中央民族大学美术系中国画专业,1989年毕业,获文学学士学位,同年毕业分配到广西师范大学艺术系任教至今。
Chen Yinke is an expert not only in history and linguistics but also in poem creation. 摘要陈寅恪除在历史、语言学方面有极高的造诣外,他的旧体诗也写得很有特色。
Chen Yongzheng was born in Maoming city, Guangdong province in 1941. 陈永正,一九四一年生,广东茂名人。
Chen Yuanlin,Zeng Zhongxing and Bai Shouchang 1985 The Rhesus Monkey. Science Press,Beijing,China. 7陈元霖、曾中兴、白寿昌1985猕猴。科学出版社,北京。

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