Two farmers with 2(superscript nd) degree burn, 3% and 2 % TBSA, respectively in the perineal areas due to accidental contacting with paraquat were reported.
回溯病史,两人皆是因为巴拉刈自锈蚀的农具接缝渗漏出来,穿过防护衣的破洞而积聚在会阴部,造成此一特殊部位的化学药物灼伤。 |
Two fetuses go head-to-head in the womb.
子宫中,两个胎儿头顶头的肉搏战。 |
Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast.
当船队接近海岸时, 两架战斗机飞近示警. |
Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast.
当船队接近海岸时,两架战斗机飞近示警. |
Two fighting sequences - one showing two women violently scratching and boxing each other - the other a close-up of two women wrestling in an almost sensual manner - are merged onto different colour channels of one and the same video.
有两组打斗的场景——其中一组展示的是两个女人在很暴力地相互拳打脚踢——另一组展示的是两个女人以一种感官的方式在摔交的特写镜头——合并在一个录象中的不同色彩的频道中。 |
Two filets mignons, please.
请来两份牛里脊. |
Two final year Geography students, Leung Siu-ting and Chan Kin-wing, were awarded a scholarship and a bursary, respectively, by the Hong Kong Housing Society.
浸大地理系三年级梁少婷和陈建荣同学最近分别获香港房屋协会颁发奖学金和助学金。 |
Two five-year-old boys are standing at the toilet to pee. One says, Your thing doesn't have any skin on it!.
两个五岁的小屁孩站在厕所里撒尿。其中一个对另一个说:“你的小鸡鸡一点包皮都没有。” |
Two flies drone and drone.
一个蚊子哼哼,两个苍蝇嗡嗡. |
Two fly outs and a line out made for an unusual sequence for Wang, who had recorded at least one ground out in each of his last 27 innings.
这二记高飞球及该平飞球炯异于建仔平常的风格,因为,在他过去的27局投球局数中,每局至少有一个滚地球出局。 |
Two foreign body giant cells are seen just to the right of center where there is a bluish strand of suture material from a previous operation.
两个异物巨细胞位于中央偏右,同时可见以前手术留下的浅蓝色的缝线。 |