The first two papers below are quite elementary and non-technical and are passed out at the very beginning of the course.
以下附加阅读材料的前两篇非常基本并且没有很多技术细节,我们会在课程开始的时候分发下去。 |
The first two, name and title are just plain text fields, so we're going to use a TextField for them.
前两个,名字和标题只是普通的文本字段,所以我们对它们使用一个文本字段。 |
The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively.
小数点後的头两位数分别表示十分位和百分位. |
The first type is about three different kinds of theoretical perspectives: the first is about masculinity study in the light of feminism and queer theory, the second focuses on the theorization of masculinity in terms of psychoanalysis' and Lacan's approa
第一类为理论类资料,包括女性主义和酷儿理论观照下的男性气质研究,精神分析学和拉康理论对于男性气质的理论化探讨,以及后现代主义对于生理性别/社会性别的重新规划。 |
The first type of divorce is that in which a declaration is made that the marriage ceremony was incorrect, for example if the people were too closely related, or too young, if one party was already married or mentally ill.
一、第一种类型的离婚:有人公开声明指出结婚手续不符规定,比如说,男女双方的血缘关系太近,或者岁数太小,一方已经结婚或患有精神病等。 |
The first type of symbolic object infants and young children master is pictures.
婴儿与幼儿学会的第一类象徵物,就是图像。 |
The first type requires a balanced analysis of a legal problem or issue.
第一类要求分析权衡一个法律问题或争端。 |
The first uniquely female dummy for use in car safety tests is being developed in Sweden, researchers said Wednesday.
一些瑞典科研人员于1月11日表示,他们正在开发世界上首个针对女性身体结构特点、用于汽车安全性能测试的假人。 |
The first unit from Airport Law Enforcement (ALE) arrived at approximately 0511 hrs.
第一个来自机场执法部门的单位大约在5:11到达现场。 |
The first value is always 0 because the first clause always starts at the beginning of the string.
第一个值总是0,因为第一个子串总是从字符串的起点开始。 |
The first vehicle packed with gasoline, propane and nails was discovered this morning in the city's bustling nightclub and theater district.
今晨被发现的第一辆车里携带着汽油,化学炳和钉子,当时是停靠在熙熙攘攘的夜总会和影院地区的。 |