Coastal zones are important habitats to fauna, having a primary production for offering such as benthos and sessile organisms.
摘要沿岸海域一直是生物重要的栖地,并且提供像底栖生物或附著生物相当高的基础生产。 |
Coasting after scoring twice in the opening 31 minutes, the champions suffered the unaccustomed experience of seeing a two-goal lead wrested from them as Wigan mounted a wonderfully spirited comeback.
客队在开场的前31分钟内就取得了两球的领先优势,但卫冕冠军随后陷入了表现的怪圈,当维根开始精彩表演时,蓝军亲眼目睹了两球的领先被追平。” |
Coastlines will disappear under water.
海岸线将消失在海水之下。 |
Coat a layer of fine grog on the bottom to avoid the glaze run down and stick on it before kiln packing.
入窑前窑室底部先铺上一层幼耐火沙以备釉药可能在高温时流落在窑砖上做成破坏。 |
Coat barbecue food with a thick sauce.
给烧烤食品添加厚厚的调味剂。 |
Coat fish balls with batter and put into nearly cooked oil. Fry over medium heat until it turns yellow. Dish up.
把鱼丸沾满糊料,放落将滚之油中,用中火炸至黄色,捞起上碟。 |
Coat scallops with self raising flour and brush on egg, then finally coat with bread crumbs. Fry until it turns golden brown. Drain and dish up.
把带子沾上自发粉,然后沾上鸡蛋,再沾上面包糠,放落滚油中炸至金黄色,捞起上碟。 |
Coat tenderloin with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper on top.
牛柳以橄榄油沾两面后灑上盐及胡椒。 |
Coat the surface with either nickel or copper (nickel is now generally the preferred commercial process) from an electroless plating solution.
用镍或者铜在无镀电镀液中进行表面处理,目前镍是更流行的商业用工艺。 |
Coat with bread crumbs and put in nearly cooked oil to fry over medium heat until it turns golden brown.
沾上面包粒,放在将滚之油中,炸至金黄色,捞起上碟。 |
Coat your finger with flour and press your finger into middle of the dough, the indentation should remain visible for a few seconds.
用手指沾面粉戳入面团当中,面团将会随之凹陷下去,但是不会立即弹起或继续向下陷,这就表示头次发酵完成。 |